Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on The Medical Marijuana Debate - 1198 Words

Introduction: The medical use of marijuana has been a discussion that has been in the news and all around us recently. This is currently a hot topic of interest. There is an enormous amount of evidence that marijuana could be effect against many things. For example evidence shows it could be used to help relieve pain during chemotherapy, but along with this there is also evidence that at times marijuana can cause harm to someone as well. As nurses we must see each side of the debate to make our care for our patients sounder. One quote that directly applies to this topic, which is very important, was written in the Journal of Clinical Nursing: â€Å"There are many issues and concerns for the health care professional and nurse when caring and†¦show more content†¦In the UK currently committees of inquiry have encouraged the prescription of cannabis (Hall Degenhardt, 1) But we know that the rest of the United States and other various places have yet to establish these laws. If cannabis for medical use was passed as a law researchers would be more capable of doing studies to add onto the already numerous amounts of studies that they have done, but these new studies would open up the eyes to many negative or positive. What we do know is that studies have shown that medical marijuana reduces intraocular pressure in the eye, which slows the development of glaucoma. ( In another study done in 2007 medical marijuana, which contains cannabidiol, was once again able to slow down the advancement of the spread of cancer cells because the affect that this cannabidiol has on a certain gene ( Once again due to a study completed by Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute in 2006, showed that the THC contained in marijuana slowed affects of plaque build up that destroy brain cells and cause the disease known as Alzheimer’s ( These are only a few reports of the diseases that marijuana can have a positive affect on. Con: Although there are few, cons of medical marijuana do exist. Those who are against medicinal marijuana are very passionate against it. One thing we do know about medical marijuana is if we it was to become legal statewide it would have toShow MoreRelatedMedical Marijuana - the Debate2135 Words   |  9 PagesMedicinal Marijuana: The Debate Marijuana or Cannabis sativa is a natural grown plant in which the leaves, stems and flowers contain delta-9-tetrahydro-cannibinal (THC). When smoked, THC gives the user a type of euphoria or â€Å"high† feeling. However, many medical professionals and patients claim that this drug also gives users medical benefits for various ailments; and they are fighting to have this drug legalized for this reason. According to the National Academy of SciencesRead MoreThe Great Debate: Medical Marijuana, Is It Ethical?866 Words   |  4 PagesThe debate on Medical marijuana has been a controversial subject mainly because people have an abundance of opinions and very little scientific research to back up either side of the debate. The most important question here is â€Å"will medical marijuana be used for medical purposes or will it be used inappropriately?† Unlike a person who uses marijuana for medicine or entertainment, some people use marijuana as a means for income. Honestly marijuana sales is a very profitable business but the problemRead More The Debate Concerning Medical Marijuana Essay1885 Words   |  8 Pagesinitiative that could make marijuana legally available as a medicine in the U.S. for the first time in 60 years. Under this initiative the government will not prosecute patients or their caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment. The medical recommendation may be either written or oral and doctors cannot be penalized by the state of Arizona at the same time. However at this time it is still illegal to posses, administer, sell or use marijuana in any of the other 48 statesRead Moreliterature review- should marijuana be legalised?1457 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Literature review The legalisation of marijuana has long been a debated subject, and not only in Australia But all around the world. People’s views in this area vary greatly, with many reasonable arguments for and against the issue. In this report, past studies and literature will be reviewed providing an understanding into the possible consequences of legalising marijuana as well as the views and debates regarded to the issue. The organisation, Gallup has been examining America’s attitudeRead MoreThe Over Baked Marijuana Debate826 Words   |  3 PagesThe Over Baked Marijuana Debate Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, â€Å"That is not a drug. It’s a leaf.† The leaf he was referring to is marijuana. Skeptics view marijuana as a hazard to society and the well-being of our country’s people. Although, for others it is a solution to their disease. This kind of marijuana is medical marijuana, and it has the ability to provide relief to many, if only it was fully supported. However, there are many debates over whether or not medical marijuana should be legalizedRead MoreEssay about Should We Legalize Marijuana in Canada?1081 Words   |  5 PagesTo Legalize or to Not Legalize: The Debate Behind Marijuana in Canada The legalization of marijuana is an issue that consistently discussed and debated, not only in North America, but throughout the entire world. Despite being illegal in every country, marijuana remains the most widely used illicit drug in the world. The popularity of this drug is the cause for the continuous legalization debate, resulting in various legislations pertaining to the consumption of the substance. Every country hasRead MoreThe Debate Over Legalization Of Marijuana1732 Words   |  7 PagesThe Proposed Debate for the Legalization of Marijuana Jonathan Acree Online Research Methods Middle Georgia State University Fall 2016 Abstract The purpose of this content is to strategically examine the overwhelming plethora of information surrounding the legalization of marijuana. Many sources available have been used to identify the mental, physical, economic and social issues surrounding the facets of marijuana use on both ends of the spectrum. While the judicial system is holding to theRead MoreMedicinal Marijuana Should Be Decriminalized Essay851 Words   |  4 PagesFor the past fifty years, heated debates over the topic of the decriminalization of marijuana have been a great controversy among politicians. Some politicians believe that marijuana for the use of medicine should be outlawed. As Congressman Bob Barr in his debate with radio talk show host Neil Boortz on May 14, 2002, stated, quot;There is no legitimate medical use whatsoever for marijuana. This [marijuana] is not medicine. This is bogus witchcraft. It has no place in medicine, no place in painRead MoreEssay about Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized1554 Words   |  7 Pageserroneous. Early in the 1900s, a surge of Mexicans immigrated to the U.S., and the marijuana they brought with them was quickly associated with them. In the 1930s, tensions between white Americans and Mexican immigrants were heightened due to the Great Depression, and the use of marijuana was ultimately prohibited for the general public in 1937 with the Marijuana Tax Act (Marijuana Timeline). By the 1960s, marijuana became a symbol of counterculture, and the government stopped any research involvedRead MoreEssay about Should Marijuana be Legalized?968 Words   |  4 PagesShould marijuana be legalized for recreational or medical use? This is a debate that has been happening for quite some time and this is not just a debate that is happening among people. There are many that have taken sides including medical personal and government officials. Currently in the United States there are two states in which recreational use of marijuana is legal; Colorado and Washington. There are three states currently that have pending legislation to legalize recreational use; California

Friday, December 13, 2019

Summarise the historic use of management of woodlands Free Essays

Here I want to focus on the part of Stopover which I fell in Love with first: Brashness Wood. â€Å"Brashness Wood is km east of Oxford City, centered at Grid Reference SEPSIS’S. It is on the south-western lower slopes of Stopover Hill and Is within Stopover Country Park. We will write a custom essay sample on Summarise the historic use of management of woodlands or any similar topic only for you Order Now Stopover Hill is In the geographical area known as the Mid-vale Ridge or Upper Thames Basin and Is In the Stopover Conservation Target Area (TAVERN, I know from my work as Chair of the â€Å"Friends of Magdalene Wood†, that the site Is managed by the Oxford City Council. The â€Å"Parks-Team† is managing the park with a team of volunteers, who are trained in copping and pillaring and they support the various â€Å"Friends† groups all over Oxford. In a document that classifies â€Å"Brashness Wood† as a â€Å"Site of Special Scientific Interest SSI) notified under Section 28 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981† the management of the wood is described as followed: â€Å"Brashness Wood has a well defined copied-with-standards structure and Is one of the few English woods which is still actively managed by this traditional method. The greater part of the wood Is an ancient remnant of Stopover Forest with a documented history dating back to the thirteenth century. The wood Lies on poorly drained Simmering clays but Elliott limestone occurs close to the south western boundary and the presence of lime-loving plants suggests that it outcrops elsewhere in the DOD. The flora is exceptionally rich for a wood of this size with 221 recorded vascular plant species including 46 which are characteristic of ancient woodland(2). The woodland has all four layers well developed: Canopy: Oak (mature, in abundance), Field Maple (widespread), Aspen, Wild Cherry. Small amounts of: Silver Birch, Beech, Rowan and Yew. Ash is confined to newer parts of the wood (Open Brashness, recent origin derived from an open common). Shrub layer: Hazel (dominant), Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Midland Hawthorn, Crab Apple, Held Maple, Dogwood, Ash, Holly and Elm suckers (all In abundance). Smaller amounts of Guilder Rose, Wayfaring and Spindle (Southern part). Field layer: â€Å"Rich and varied, the composition of which Is dependent on the stage of copping. Bramble dominates Buttercup (Rancorous auricles), Repine (Sedum telephone), Nettle Leaved Bellflower (Campanile treacheries), Spurge Laurel (Daphne laurel), Blackcurrant (Rib’s Ingram), Wood Meadow-grass (Pop memorials) and Bearded Couch (Olympus Canines) occur. In recently cleared areas plants such as Henbane (Housecoats Niger) and Deadly Nightshade (Troop Belladonna) may flourish for a short time. (3)† We also mind a network of sinuous rides (intersections and two ponds). Ground: Stopover Wildlife – a local wildlife group which has studied Stopover since 1999 and has profound knowledge about the ancient woodland – has identified over 100 Bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) as well as a huge variety of lichens(4). â€Å"The vegetation of Stopover has been studied by botanists for the past three hundred years and some of Britain’s earliest scientific collections were made here. The sheltered open swards, sandy banks, scrub woodland, wet flushes and stream banks of Stopover Hill are of outstanding entomological interest. A substantial number of rare species occur here, particularly among the Dippier (true flies) and Calculate (bees, wasps and ants). The recorded total of 174 Calculate species is one of the highest in Britain and although many of these have not been seen in recent years, the area is still an important one. Stopover Hill is also of local importance for breeding and wintering birds. â€Å"(5) One of the pioneers who developed a substantial management plan was David Steel, who spent a long time in the woods studying it. His publication â€Å"Stopover – The Natural History of a Royal Forest† which was published by himself at Brashness Farm n 1984 is a rich source of information about this beautiful woodland. He says about Brashness Wood, that â€Å"an active copping policy [which he developed] has given the wood the whole range of underworld age-classes. The extensive system of rides, provided because the wood is a public amenity, results in many flowery margins which are both attractive and of high nature conservation value. (6)† â€Å"Stopover Wildlife† refer a lot to the work of David Steel and have continued his great work. I conducted an interview with Ivan Wright (Co-founder of the group and one of the rustles) about their substantial management plan, which goes way beyond what is taking place at the moment. I learned from that interview that modern ways of copping often destroy rare species and habitats since it has to be done in haste and for economic reasons, rather than forestallment reasons. Groups like â€Å"Stopover Wildlife† are invaluable for professional managing teams, since they can provide their unique knowledge to help preserve as many species in our woodlands as possible. Brashness Wood is managed on a regular basis by the Oxford parks team, following a management plan for the site. The abundant Hazel is copied frequently, the trees are managed, Brambles are cleared away – all done while bearing in mind that the main goal here is the conservation of the semi-natural space where possible. Management history: â€Å"The ancient woodlands in and around Stopover Hill have been as Brashness Wood has a documented history going back to the sass’s. (7)† Elisabeth I granted Brashness College management of their 80 acre copied in 1570. This woodland became known as Brashness Wood and had been let on a series of 21 -year leases until 1935. There is no record of copping rotation for this period. The wood as then sold to the Citizens of Oxford (Oxford City Council). â€Å"Current and past indications demonstrate the poor quality of the underworld at Brashness Wood (Fuller and Steel, 1990). Between 1920 and 1973 copping was very sporadic, and included a significant period of about 40 years in which virtually no copping was carried out (peers comma. D. Steel). Hazel was occasionally copied by gypsies around 1940. By the sass the copied had become derelict, but a new rotational regime was introduced by David Steel; the then manager of the SSI and responsible for achieving SSI status for the reserve in 1986. 8)† Current situation: We find the following habitats in Brashness Wood Copied stands with Oak standards Areas of permanent non-intervention Ancient boundary banks Veteran trees Fallen and standing dead wood Species-rich rides Bridleways Streams Ponds Brashness Wood measures 27. Aha in total including a piece of woodland to the southeast, known as Open Brashness. As mentioned above, Brashness Wood is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSI). â€Å"The woodland type is a Biodiversity Action Plan (ABA) priority habitat referred to as ‘Lowland mixed broadleaved woodland’. The National Vegetation Classification (Iredell, 1991) for Brashness Wood is WWW woodland (Ash, Field Maple, Dog Mercury). Ancient semi-natural woodlands have been in existence since at least 1600. (9)† Copping was resumed at Brashness Wood in 1973, with approximately half a hectare cut yearly, depending on manpower. In 2000 the absent Deer came back into the woodland so that it became necessary to fence the newly copied areas to prevent the Deer from browsing the new growth. Most fences have been removed now. The various rides have been mowed twice a year (Spring Autumn) and there had been some wood chipping and burning of ember by the City Council. In 2008/9 the service was severely reduced! â€Å"The Oxford City Council ‘efficiency review of 2008/9 resulted in the Countryside Service being disbanded in January 2010 and the post of Senior Ranger being terminated. 10)†. The services would now only include mowing, path maintenance and special requests by Stopover Wildlife. I know from talking to the Parks-Team Oxford, that a group of volunteers has been formed under the guidance of one of the rangers, to carry out copping and other management tasks all over Oxford. Stopover Wildlife themselves eave started a substantial management plan and carried out most of the copping and conserv ation work themselves. They claim that they do the work of 5 employees on a voluntary basis (personal comment Ivan Wright, 8/11/13). They developed a Rota Brashness Wood is poor, taking about 18 years to reach ‘Optimum’ stage The slow re-growth is mostly due to the shallow clay soil, which is mildly acidic and low in nutrients. The current emphasis for copping is on the enhancement of habitat quality for wildlife diversity [†¦ ]. (11)† Stopover Wildlife even started experimenting tit high copping to prevent the deer from browsing and to meet the needs of invertebrates that are dependent on old copied stools. They started the experiment in Winter 2008/2009, designating one area, where Hazel was cut at 1. 2 meters that should not be browsed by deer at all. This experiment in re-growth has not been as successful as the group was hoping, since a significant number of rods died down. This has also been discussed with the forestry commission (personal comment Ivan Wright, 8/11/13). As a control they also copied an area in the traditional way ground level) to be eaten by the deer. And in a third area, the group cut at 0. meters which â€Å"may get eaten, and this is being monitored. If, as we suspect, Brashness is mostly populated with Mutant Deer, we might get away with a fairly low copied height, which would be more desirable for the benefit of woodland flora. 4† Ivan told me in the interview that the medium copied produced shoots which were mainly left alone by the deer. He showed me a lovely night-vision photograph of a Mutant Deer browsing on the stool. The experimental area is stil l under monitoring. How to cite Summarise the historic use of management of woodlands, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Study of Big Energy Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Big Energy and XYZ Energy. Answer: The essay provides brief information related to Big Energy which has undergone restructuring. The process of acquisition causes a major change in the behavior of the employees. The restructuring theories help in studying the job satisfaction, motivation towards a particular job. In the given case study both Big Energy and XYZ energy is undergoing a significant change due to acquisition. XYZ Energy is being acquired by Big Energy which is a big name into the private sector industry. In such a situation it is however suggested that the company needs to take proper measures to understand employee behavior (McShane and Von Glinow, 2011). An understanding of organizational behavior is necessary to attain effective results. This is a critical situation for both of the organization to understand the work culture of each other. A thorough understanding of the integration model is necessary for an effective implementation of theories. Study of organizational behavior is important for analyzin g the traits of employees (Adler and Gundersen, 2007). In the given scenario Big Energy is acquiring XYZ energy which is facing serious business issues. The purpose of acquisition is to attain the efficiency of the sick unit and to convert it into a productive unit. This integration model is important to be implemented in order to attain effective results. The adverse effect need to be analyzed effectively in order to achieve sustainability (Bakker and Schaufeli, 2008). The employees in both the companies are facing problems while implementing changes in the routine life. Under such a situation it is necessary to find out one of the most effective policies to coordinate the organization. Acquisition of an organization drastically affects the productivity in an organization. It is difficult for the employees to acquire the capacity in order to attain desired results. In the given situation employees are not ready to absorb the changes. They are finding difficulty to perform their duties. This is putting a wrong impact on the mind of the e mployees in achieving desired results (Pinder, 2014). The old employees are getting badly affected due to change in organizational structure. It is therefore recommended to study behavior of each individual in order to train them to adopt the changing environment (Colquitt, Lepine and Wesson, 2011). Both the business is based on similar concept but the manner of work at each place is different. This is causing difficulty not for the employees of XYZ Energy but Big Energy as well. There is a lot of difference in the opinion of employees. It is necessary to understand the mindset of the employees in order to train them for betterment. Both the organizations are coordinating their efforts by absorbing the positive changes. There is a necessity to focus on both the organization. It is suggested that the changes need to be implemented systematically. This will give them proper time to absorb the changes in daily activities. Every organization has different people and it is essential for everyone to find out the most appropriate procedure to attain desired results. This is however necessary for an organization to recognize the importance of organizational behavior in order to develop an effective learning (Nelson and Cooper, 2007). The behavior of employees at each organization is different and it is necessary to focus on utilizing the efforts of each and every team member. It is necessary to focus on both the positive and negative aspects in the organization. This will help the managers to understand the behavior of the employees. The employees of XYZ Energy are already facing serious issues due to a change in the work pattern. The work environment is different for the employees of XYZ Energy. Under such a condition it is advised that the management need to give a proper consideration to every individual in order to understand their condition (Wright and Nishii, 2007). Big Energy wants to attain efficiency it has to understand the behavior of each employee and work according to the necessity. This will help in delivering the effective results within the given time period. It is generally seen that employees experience significant psychological change due to restructuring of the organization. It is advised that the organization need to improve the behavior, belief and attitude of people in both the organization. It is essential to focus on improving the leadership skills in an organization. This will help in coordinating the efforts in coming time. THE Management needs to analyze the behavior of each and every individual before implementation of the plan. Understanding the behavior of each and every employee in the organization will help in providing sustainable opportunities. This helps in delegating the most appropriate duty to the employee according to his caliber(Miner,2015). There is a necessity to put 100 percent efforts in order to attain hig h efficiency. The purpose of the organization is to concentrate on improving the behavior of every individual in order to attain desired results. The organization behavior is one of the most important tools used to understand the behavior of each and every individual at work. Company cannot afford to lose its market stature caused due to the whole process (Robbins and Judge,2012). Under such a circumstance it is advised to figure out the most appropriate structure in order to implement the plan. Coordinating the employees of both the organization is difficult to be managed. It is therefore necessary to integrate the efforts of each and every individual in the organization to improve the productivity. Improved results can only be derived if the capacity of both the organization is used efficiently. In a diversified business scenario it is necessary to eradicate the sources that can hamper production(Eder and Eisenberger,2008). It is recommended that the company must integrate the efforts of every employee working in the organization by understanding their mental status. A proper understanding of the individual behavior is necessary to delegate role and responsibilities. A manager can only delegate the responsibilities efficiently if he has proper awareness about the individual caliber. One can only be satisfied with the job role if he/she is aware about the individual behavior. It is necessary to study the nature of every individual working in the organization. It is clearly visible that the study of employee in an organization helps in increasing productivity. This provides an insight regarding job satisfaction of the employees. A study shows that unsatisfied employee reduces the overall productivity of an organization (DuBrin, 2013). It is the duty of the manager to look into the matter whether the employees are satisfied with the job or not. In case if the employees are facing any issue in the organizat ion it need to be directed effectively. It is the duty of the manager to take proper measures to understand the attitude of the employees in an organization. This not only helps in attaining sustainable results but also improves overall productivity. Organizational theories help in understanding the behavior of employees at workplace. It is essential that the behavior and values of employees at workplace need to be analyzed effectively. If the employees are wholly satisfied they will perform effectively at the workplace. Employees will give effective result in case they are performing their duties efficiently. In case if they are not performing their duties it will adversely affect the organization. XYZ Energy employees are currently facing difficulty in assimilating the role and responsibilities given to them. It is necessary to implement the effective organizational theories in order to attain desired results. It is very difficult for the employer to establish effective relationship with the employee in order to attain desired results. It is the responsibility of both the employer and the employee. The employer needs to check whether the employee is adhering upon the duties that are given to them(Jones,2010). An employer need to keep a detailed structure of the employees behavior towards the work in order to mitigate the risk involved in accepting the cultural differences. It is thereby necessary to set long term sustainable goals in order to achieve desired results(Hogg and Terry,2014). Employees loyalty need to be tested so that the company can achieve effective results. The desired results can only be achieved if the employer focuses on developing relationship. It is necessary to understand the behavior of every individual in order to manage the cultural differences. An effective method need to be adopted to absorb the differences occurring in the organization. Under such a situation the management should rather introduce activities that help in coordinating the efforts. The organization either have to figure out an activity that help in organizing the company in an effective manner. The objectives can only be achieved if the employer focuses all the sources on enhancing the caliber of employee. This will help in improving the qualitative and quantitative productivity in an organization (Slocum and Hellriegel, 2009). Employees need to be motivated towards the positive direction by the employer in order to implement positive changes. Employee productivity can only be enhanc ed in case if the employee focuses on developing efficient work environment. The employees need to adopt significant changes in order to promote efficient productivity. The change in the work environment can negatively affect the organization. Under such a situation it is suggested that Big Energy needs to focus on developing an effective work environment that will help in balancing the organization at an initial stage. The main purpose of acquisition is to synthesize the productivity of both the organization in order to achieve appropriate results. The most important part in such a situation is played by the manager as he organizes the efforts of all the employees in the organization. The absorption process has led to temporary imbalance in the organization. It is necessary to motivate the employees in a positive manner so that they can implement the changes in their daily routine (March, 2013). Organizational behavior helps in understanding the difference in the opinion of people. This helps in managing the organization to achieve common goal. It is necessary to conduct the personality test to understand the cultural difference. The difference in the work culture affects the overall productivity in an organization. In the given situation both the organizations are following a different culture at workplace that has caused variance in adopting the work environment. Under such a situation a study of organizational behavior accompanied with the individual behavior is necessary to adopt the desired results. There should be an effective model in order to support the organization to generate results in accordance with the necessity. Efforts of employees in both the organization need to be given equal care. It is certain that the employees will face difficulty in the initial stage but it is also necessary to figure out proper techniques to reduce the overall impact of the procedure. It is not a day process, and the whole procedure will take time in order to attain desired results. Under such situation the organization should give effective tools to attain desired results. This will not only improve the productivity but will also help in attaining desired set of results. XYZ Energy and Big Energy are facing changes in the overall work pattern. It is therefore difficult for them to utilize the efforts accordingly (Barling, Clegg and Cooper,2008). Changes are an important part in a life of an organization. It is important to notice that the organization can only improve if they focus on enhancing the productivity by focusing on employees. The efforts of the employees need to be recognized in order to sort out the difference in between them. The employees should adopt the changes in a short time which will help in achieving desired results. This will help in increasing the overall efficacy in an organization. The morale of the employees needs to be integrated in a positive manner as this will help in implementation of the results in a proper manner. It is recommended that Big Energy need to take proper measures to meet the desired changes occurring in the organization. The productivity can only be attained if employee is working efficiently. References Adler, N.J. and Gundersen, A., 2007.International dimensions of organizational behavior. Cengage Learning. Adler, N.J. and Gundersen, A., 2007.International dimensions of organizational behavior. Cengage Learning. Bakker, A.B. and Schaufeli, W.B., 2008. Positive organizational behavior: Engaged employees in flourishing organizations.Journal of Organizational Behavior,29(2), pp.147-154. Barling, J., Clegg, S.R. and Cooper, C.L. eds., 2008.The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Behavior: Volume Two: Macro Approaches(Vol. 2). Sage. Colquitt, J., Lepine, J.A. and Wesson, M.J., 2011.Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. McGraw-Hill Irwin. DuBrin, A.J., 2013.Fundamentals of organizational behavior: An applied perspective. Elsevier. Eder, P. and Eisenberger, R., 2008. Perceived organizational support: Reducing the negative influence of coworker withdrawal behavior.Journal of Management,34(1), pp.55-68. Hogg, M.A. and Terry, D.J. eds., 2014.Social identity processes in organizational contexts. Psychology Press. Jones, G.R., 2010. Organizational theory, design, and change. March, J.G., 2013.Handbook of Organizations (RLE: Organizations)(Vol. 20). Routledge. McShane, S. and Von Glinow, M., 2011.M: Organizational behavior. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Nelson, D. and Cooper, C.L. eds., 2007.Positive organizational behavior. Sage. Pinder, C.C., 2014.Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press. Robbins, S.P. and Judge, T., 2012.Essentials of organizational behavior. Essex: Pearson. Slocum, J.W. and Hellriegel, D., 2009.Principles of organizational behavior. South-Western Cengage Learning. Wright, P.M. and Nishii, L.H., 2007. Strategic HRM and organizational behavior: Integrating multiple levels of analysis.CAHRS Working Paper Series, p.468.