Friday, February 28, 2020

Intellectual property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Intellectual property - Essay Example The main purpose of having copyright is to provide authors and artists a chance to produce new works. (Aplin & Davies, 2010) Intellectual property law ensures that authors and artists are given their earnings through official distributors (record companies, for example; Economists refer to these as â€Å"property stewards†) for recordings of this creative and intellectual work, which eventually give money to the authors and artists. Digital technology developers make peer-to-peer networks, which enable people to obtain the same works without paying. Acquiring the works with this method is similar to stealing, as per copyright law, hence it is must to reaffirm, and even extend, copyright law to criminalise the use of networkers who copy others’ work.Hence, what Kenneth performed should be seen as breaching copyright law. The expression of Intellectual Property provides a logical scrutiny of why the music, TV and movie industries’ arguments to develope copyright an d control certain technologies are more persuasive—to judges, justices, university administrators, college students, and the general public—than those of copyright activists who seek to keep peer-to-peer networks free and legal; to restrict the extension of copyright time limits and copy-protection tools; to guarantee a plentiful, continually replenished public domain of content; and to preserve fair use rights for content currently under copyright. By doing research about this topic, one can have a more solid perceptive of the descriptions of â€Å"piracy† and â€Å"sharing,† and can know precisely why so few of the students in University are capable of presenting an argument in favour of file sharing. According to some experts, peer-to-peer network technology can take our society towards a positive direction, but some argue that the same thing is bad for the society. British Government has a plan of introducing a right of information requiring disclosur e of names and addresses of individuals that are involved in the creation and distribution of the infringing goods and services or both with quantities and prices charged. Remedies will be strengthened to permit eternal removal or demolition of the infringing material together with the everlasting injunctions, compensation and damages. Differential attitudes toward theft of physical versus intellectual property (IP) become an increasingly serious problem as the latter become an ever-greater share of the total economic value of production. "Intellectual capital's rising value in the production of wealth has been mirrored by its increasing vulnerability to crime" (Snyder & Crescenzi, 2009). The cost of intellectual property theft in 2004 was estimated to be $250 billion and climbing (Wright, 2004). Losses due to all sorts of piracy in the music and film industries alone are currently estimated to be in the tens of billions of dollars (Szuskin, et al., 2009). Hence, Intellectual proper ty theft has become a very serious problem as the result of computers' increasing role in the everyday life of the public (Picard, 2004). Traditional approaches to the prevention of theft are mainly to protect the goods and to catch and punish perpetrators, but these are increasingly difficult to accomplish in this digital age (Peace & Thong, 2003). The facility with which digital information can be stored, communicated, and disseminated makes it exceedingly difficult to contain and protect. When physical property is stolen, its absence makes the theft far more readily noticed than when digital property is copied while the original data remains intact and appears untouched. Thus, detection of the crime and capture of the thief are no easy matter. Despite these limitations, producers of digital property are striving to develop and improve protective measures (Im & Koen, 1990; Waterman, et al., 2007; Wright, 2004). If you learned that a friend had gone into an acquaintance's home and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Budget prioritization issues, budget cuts, increases tuitions affect Essay

Budget prioritization issues, budget cuts, increases tuitions affect higher education - Essay Example It can be problematic for a university that does not have the financial means to meet all needs of the students. However, students simply cannot be the sole income resource to help an institute of higher learning to completely operate and maintain the overhead. There may be an issue at some higher educational institutions and universities where the monetary resources are not there to completely provide to a student. This could result in a student not receiving the type of education they anticipate due to budget cuts and priorities made by universities. There then can be a digression at these learning institutions because universities often turn to increasing tuition to help accommodate for the losses. However, if no changes are being made to the university, are students really getting what they are paying for per credit hour in tuition? If students start to compare schools and determine they can receive the same credentials from universities which have more to offer because they have more income to create better learning environments but yet the tuition is higher, it is likely the student will choose a different institution. Therefore, a university finds itself in even more of an economic and budget stretch because of decreased enrollment due to higher tuition rates. Students then cannot afford the university and the university cannot then afford to offer the best technologies, smaller class sizes, more faculty, a variety of class options and also a larger variety of degree programs or certifications. When this happens, what exactly is the draw for a student to attend that college because no matter where a student chooses to go for higher educational needs, tuition is typically not cheap. Before looking at budget cuts and prioritization issues, one might just want to take a look at the common cost of a college class per credit hour to get an idea of how much a student might spend on their higher