Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Health Care and Aging Policy Analysis Research Paper

Health Care and Aging Policy Analysis - Research Paper Example This may also include the failure to satisfy the needs of the elders or protect them from harms. It is unfortunate, that most of the times mistreatment is being caused but the people are unaware of it (Falk, 2012). Elder mistreatment is most of the times not reported because of the lack of training given to professional who miss it out. It has been reported that about 1.2 million elders are mistreated every year by self or others. 450,000 cases are new every year which are identified, yet the awareness and control has been sparse. These alarming figures have lead to the immense need to address and assess the mistreatment caused to elders through abuse, neglect or exploitation. There is no definite cause for elder abuse as it varies on situations and there can be a number of reasons why elders are mistreated at home or at nursing care homes (Stiegel, 2010). Historical background of the policy: The Elder Justice Act was introduced in 2003 to improve the conditions of this social proble m in America. The act was initially introduced by Senator John Breaux. The act was not only designed to address the elder mistreatment but also to address to the message of human rights for freedom from exploitation and abuse. The Elder Justice Coalition was formed which brought together all advocates who were committed to the social policy of elder protection. After 2003, the coalition fought and ensured that the Elder Justice Act was signed (Mellor, 2013). In 2010, the Elder Justice Act was signed into law by President Obama. It was passed in the Patient Protection and Affordability Act which was a health care reform. This act was addressed as the identification and recognition of the problem which had marked the beginning of the end of elder mistreatment. This act covered a large area which included the administration of the health care and the streaming of the problem by creating provisions to make proposals and alternatives for the problem. The act is now a law and it covers an d authorizes the dealing of the funds which are necessary to implement and provide benefits to those elders who are mistreated nationwide (Pampel, 2008). Bases of Social Allocation: It is important to analyze the group of people who come under the Elder Justice Act (EJA). This act is selective as it is for those people who are eligible and who need the services the most. This group of people is the elders who are above 60 years of age and are through any means being abused, tortured, mistreated or exploited. Research has concluded that elders who are disabled, demented or the ones who live in nursing homes suffer more abuse and mistreatment. Approximately 14 million of elders over 65 years of age are disabled in the U.S. These elders are more likely to be a subject of abuse by family members, care takers, service providers or other people associated to them. Such mistreatment causes risk to the activities and health of the elder (Brown, 2011). It was concluded that female elders are abused more than males and this is why they tend to die earlier. Elders who have dementia are also at the risk of being abused because of their attitudes and behaviors. They might become a burden or a responsibility on the family members or the care takers. About 5.1 million elders in America have some kind of dementia. Other elders who are at risk are the ones who live in private homes or nursing homes. These elders are the ones who are mostly unemployed and are dependent on

Monday, October 28, 2019

Consequences of Unethical Behavior Essay Example for Free

Consequences of Unethical Behavior Essay I had not heard of this until now, actually. Google paid their way out of CEO prosecution last year. Not only was their behavior unethical, and illegal, it was very socially irresponsible to the American people. Google was taking part in advertising narcotics and other prescription drugs for an illegal Canadian pharmacy on the American internet; making all of these drugs readily available to the American people. David Whitaker, a federal inmate and convicted con-artist became posed as an American government agent who went undercover to prove Google knew exactly what was going on. Google advertisement executives accepted the $200,000 worth of the government’s â€Å"set-up† money to begin advertising. Whitaker collected emails and recorded calls to prove that Google knew what they were doing were illegal. Even though it was obvious through the evidence to see that Google representatives knew that the advertisements were illegal, they extended Whitaker a â€Å"very generous credit line and allowed me to set my target advertising directly to American consumers. On August 24th, 2011, Google paid $500M dollars to pay their fines and avoid prosecution of their C. E. O. Larry Page. Through the emails and recordings, it is made obvious that Page knew exactly what was going on. Google was allowing illegal Canadian pharmacies to platform their ads on Google and target the American population. Google allowing American consumers to be targeted is absolutely outrageous. Google’s $500M fine covers the advertising costs and profits of the companies. The Department of Justice also has a â€Å"non-prosecution† agreement with Google. Now, what exactly is a â€Å"non-prosecution† agreement? To me, this all sounds like something illegal all the way around. How can a company, any company, buy their way out of prosecution? How can a C. E. O. not be classified as a drug peddler who well knows of what is going on within his company? How does this make him any different that Bernie Madoff or the Goldman Sachs C. E. O.? Google was allowing drugs to be sold through their network, period point blank; with the citizens of America being the target. How can a company buy their way out of prosecution? I just do not understand. If I was caught selling drugs, or giving people a platform to sell, I would be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Would I be able to buy my way out of prosecution? I absolutely would not! The American government would lock me away and take their sweet time about taking me to trial and finishing my case. Why was this not made more public? Now, it seems, Google is being looked into from every aspect, in which they should.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing Effects of the Restricted Carbohydrate Diet and Non-restricte

Comparing Effects of the Restricted Carbohydrate Diet and Non-restricted Carbohydrate Diet   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is recommended by Grosvenor and Smolin in â€Å"Nutrition: From Science to Life,† that if one decides to lose weight, one should consider the contents of the food consumed and incorporate a daily exercise routine.   There are multiple studies to support the idea that a diet that includes a low consumption of carbohydrate and a high consumption of fats, also known as the Atkin’s Diet, will cause one to feel less active compared to others who will include carbohydrate as one of the main food groups in their diet. Participants in a study conducted by Wells and Read in 1996 concluded that they felt significantly less energetic and more fatigue and nauseated after consuming a low-carbohydrate and high-fat meal compared to participants who had a meal that contained 50- 60% carbohydrates. In addition a similar study conducted by Lloyd, Green, and Rogers in 1994 also concluded that a high fat meal causes participants in their study to report more negative feelings. Participants reported that although they felt that they had consumed enough food to satisfy their hunger they also reported that they felt less energetic and their overall moods shows more anxiety, despair, stress and anger compared to other participants who consumed a moderate amount of fat.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scientists believe the reports of negative moods such as the anxiety, despair, or lack of energy in dieters consuming a carbohydrate-restricted diet may be caused by a physiological reason in the brain. The brain, amongst other organs of the body, uses the components of carbohydrates as its main resource for energy therefore when dieters restrict the... ...rate and high-fat dieters reported that exercising was not helping them lose weight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Comparison of mood, energy levels, and evaluations of exercise routine differed between dieters consuming a restricted- carbohydrate diet, also known as the Atkins diet, and the dieters who consumed a non-restricted carbohydrate diet shows that dieters consuming a moderate amount of carbohydrates and fat were more satisfied with their diet plan. The reports of mood and energy level directly affect the evaluations of the exercise routine. This comparison exemplifies two important causal concepts: (1) the direct relationship between diet and the ability to exercise to the one’s fullest capability and (2) the importance of moderation of carbohydrates consumed in a diet to fuel the brain with sufficient energy and provide the muscles with enough energy.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abortion :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abortion and Govn't   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Freedom Of Choice   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since 1973 abortion has been an important controversial issue to the United States. The problem begins should it be a woman's choice whether or not to terminate her pregnancy or should it be the governments choice. This is where a woman looses her rights as a person. If abortion is not remained legal woman will start performing them illegally. One third to one half of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion,2,500 of these abortions will be performed illegally. Although some oppose abortion for being used as a form of birth control,Abortion should remain legal because it is a woman's choice and protects the privacy of an individual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some teenagers and woman abuse abortion as a form of birth control. Many woman have used legal abortions as a drastic form of contraception, due to carelessness or ignorance of better methods. Abortion should remain legalized for the fact that if it's not kept legal many women perform illegal abortions. This is such as self abortion methods which are even more dangerous; these included are lye, Lysol, iodine douches, as well as self inserted catheters, knitting needles an goose quills. When women lose their right to choose abortion they may start performing them illegally. This may do serious harm to the mother and her body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abortion is a woman's choice. Woman accepted the definition that a woman's prime role was as wife and mother and control of ones own body. Once they had choices about life roles, they came to feel they had the right to choose abortion to run their own life's. Any woman should have the ability to choose when to have a child in their marital and sexual freedom. Many woman

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leadership Assessment Essay

Leadership can be best defined as beauty. One may say that is in the eye of the beholder. The best managers consistently allow different leaders to emerge and inspire their teammates. My prior organization, Comcast Corporation, a telecommunications provider, mission statement is to deliver a superior experience to their customers every day. Jason Biske, whom is Director of Sales and Operation, created an environment where Comcast is focused solely on customers by building relationships. When we would see him, he would always speak and ask how your day or sales was going. Jason was really big on keeping the sales floor informed of new promos or contests that were going on by sending constant email communications, ongoing training sessions, or holding focus groups on various processes of improvement in the sales process. When it came to leadership styles, Jason Biske demonstrated several. He embraced democratic, coaching, pacesetting, and authoritative. He initiated structure and created an environment that made you feel a part of something. Along with that he showed consideration. We felt like our opinions mattered and there was a concern for the employees. Leaders provide a sense of direction for the employees of the organization. Without this sense of direction (both strategic and ethical), the organization and its employees could easily lose their direction.In order for any leader to be successful all styles need to be incorporated. Leaders, therefore, are given the responsibility of creating and shaping culture. The organizational structure that has been created has positioned the company in the smartest way possible. † As the world changes, the culture of organizations must sometimes be re-shaped to better fit the environment and the overall strategy of the organization (Buhler)†.Comcast strongly believes in teamwork, integrity, creativity and commitment within the organization. Managers must be convinced of the benefits as well as higher performance for their teams if they are to become enthusiastic leaders of change. â€Å"Above all, senior executives should encourage managers to think big: the new world of work opens up new possibilities for how companies define their boundaries and organize work (Lund, 2012)†.Having such a strong team of leadership gives employees as well as potential talent something to look forward to in regards to a career. The positive thing about having a clear organizational structure is simply it allows you to see the formal relationship that exits between the departments. Jason Biske‘s job as director was to improve the sales process and increase revenue in the sales department. As a result he increased revenue by 24 percent. He also rolled out a process called Sales Pro which would make the sales process simpler by focusing on relationships. Even though his styles motivated employees, he used communication through m ass emails mostly. On a daily basis, you would receive several reports on how the company is profiting. At my career level no one understood how we were contributing to these successes. Jason would get you excited to make money but somewhere in there the leadership failed.† According to Moorhead and Griffin (1998) employee motivation and ability jointly contribute towards employee performance and the most challenging task of the managers is to motivate employee to execute the utmost of their ability†. (Iqbal)†. When you have middle managers that are not as excited about their jobs, it is hard to keep the customer service reps motivated to sale the product or meet numbers when the objectives are not clear. In an organization, an individual has to be seen as a contributor. Most importantly, you have to keep your employees motivated. Most people never make it to the top because they are successful at being a doer instead of being a leader. â€Å"Leadership is more about inspiration, about guidance, about communication and building trust among the team. Management is probably the day-to-day running of an organization. It is about developing and organizing aspects of your businesses and running those businesses (Toor, 2011)†. Some best pra ctices that organizational leaders can follow are 1. Accept feedback from the people that work with you. No one knows best other than the people that deal with the customers every day. Some of the most successful companies are profitable because the organizational leader listened to what the employees shared. There is value in shared values. Secondly, try a crazy idea every now and then. Employees like creativity and a challenge to keep them on their toes. Lastly, show courage. Effective leaders sometimes have to issue orders whether or not it means they are popular or not. If you are leading effectively then your team will support you. Leaders are made, not born. â€Å"I consider leadership as something long term with a clear vision of what to achieve. Management, however, is more about function; it’s short-term and involves setting a target and achieving it. Diversity is not only important to the work environment and the business but it can also have some legal ramifications if not followed properly.† Workplace Diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. The roots of diversity does not begin to range from race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, educational background etc., rather it begins from perception of the employees towards each other (Andrew Patrick, 2011)†. Ccompanies that embrace employees from different cultural backgrounds, experiences and even countries are better positioned to succeed in this century. Hiring a diverse workforce helps a company stay in compliance with employment laws and build workplaces that are more inclusive. It also assists employees in reaching their fullest potential. When hiring and managing employees from different cultures and backgrounds it can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. â€Å"Diversity is not a photo opportunity. Anybody can recruit anybody. Keeping people is the challenge (Sreedhar, 2011)†. Most corporations have diversity council which allows you to manage diversity globally therefore allowing others to learn from different perspectives and cultures. From a business perspective, companies have become more innovative requiring expansion into global territories. It requires them to move people as well as products around. With that being said, a company must be able to understand international customers, their commerce and their competition better than before. Works Cited Andrew Patrick, H. (2011). Knowledge Workers Demography and Workplace Diversity. Journal Of Marketing & Management, pp. 2(2), 38-73. Buhler, P. M. (n.d.). The evolving leader of today. Supervision. pp. 59(12), 16. . Iqbal, J. Y. (n.d.). EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN MODERN ORGANIZATION: A REVIEW OF 12 YEARS. Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business,. pp. 4(3), 692-708. Lund, S. M. (2012). Preparing for a new era of knowledge work. pp. Mckinsey Quarterly, (4), 103-110. Sreedhar, U. (2011). Workforce Diversity and HR Challenges. Advances In Management. pp. 4(10), 33-36. Toor, S. (2011). Differentiating Leadership from Management. An Empirical Investigation of Leaders and Managers. Leadership & Management In Engineering, pp. 11(4), 310. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)LM.1943-5630.0000138.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Word Choice Devise vs. Device

Word Choice Devise vs. Device Word Choice: Device vs. Devise The words â€Å"device† and â€Å"devise† are both derived from the Old French word deviser, which meant â€Å"to arrange a division.† But despite their shared origin, â€Å"device† and â€Å"devise† are very different in modern English: One is a noun, the other is a verb, and neither is used to describe arranging divisions. Confused? You’re not the only one. We get plenty of requests for advice about these words, particularly from international students. And it’s important to know the difference between these terms if you want to use them in your academic writing. So we’ve prepared this quick guide to clear things up. Device (A Gadget) The primary meaning of the noun â€Å"device† is a gadget designed to perform a particular task: Fred made his millions after inventing a device for eating a taco without making a mess. In a literary context, a â€Å"device† can also be a technique used to achieve a particular effect: In Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll uses portmanteau as an effective literary device. The word â€Å"device† is also sometimes used in the figure of speech â€Å"left to one’s own devices,† meaning to allow someone to do as they please. This is because of an old-fashioned use of the word â€Å"device† to mean â€Å"scheme.† Devise (To Plan or Plot) The verb â€Å"devise† is closer to the Old French from which it’s derived, meaning â€Å"to come up with a plan†: Realizing she wasn’t going to finish her paper on time, Terri devised a new system for tackling her schoolwork. The only context in which this differs is law, where â€Å"devise† is sometimes used as a noun describing either: a) property or land distributed in a will; or b) the act of distributing said property/land. Unless you are writing about law, however, you shouldn’t need to remember this definition. Device or Devise? Since these words are generally very different in their modern usage, it’s usually easy to remember which applies in any given situation: Device (noun) = A gadget Devise (verb) = Come up with a plan The tricky one to look out for is when â€Å"devise† is used in its legal sense, but this should be easy to spot from the context. To make absolutely sure you avoid this and similar mix-ups in your work, however, it never hurts to have a professional double-check everything. Why not try sending a 500-word sample to be proofread for free today?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Famous Education Quotes

Famous Education Quotes Education is the bedrock of social and economic development. Throughout history, philosophers like Aristotle and Plato recognized the importance of education. Use these famous education quotes to inspire others to follow the path of knowledge. It is only through education that we can hope to eradicate social evils. Quotes About Formal Education Some of the greatest thinkers believe that access to formal education is the key to equality and social justice. Many of those thinkers, including Horace Mann and Thomas Jefferson, founded schools and universities to provide the type of education they espoused. Here are some of their thoughts on formal education. Horace MannEducation, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.AristotleThe roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.Thomas JeffersonBigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both.Benjamin FranklinGenius without education is like silver in the mine.Helen Keller  The highest result of education is tolerance.Victor HugoHe who opens a school door closes a prison.Malala Yousafzaiâ€Å"One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.†Ã‚  Nelson Mandela   Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Quotes About Informal Learning Many great thinkers believe that formal learning in a school setting is less valuable than experience and informal learning. Some even believe that formal education can slow down or warp the process of discovery and learning. Here are some of their thoughts. Jim Rohn  Ã‚  Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.Albert Einstein  Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.Oscar Wilde  Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.Galileo Galilei  You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.†Ã‚   Quotes About Teachers and Teaching Teaching has always been considered one of the most important professions. Over time, the actual day to day experience of teaching and learning has changed. The basic purpose and outcome, however, remain the same. C. S. LewisThe task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.Henry Brooks AdamsA teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.Ralph Waldo Emerson  The secret in education lies in respecting the student.William Arthur Wardâ€Å"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.†Ã‚  Nikos Kazantzakisâ€Å"True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their   own.†Ã‚  Aristotleâ€Å"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.†Ã‚  Henry Brooks AdamsTeachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Scottish Surnames Meanings and Origins

Scottish Surnames Meanings and Origins Scottish surnames as we know them today - family names passed down intact from father to son to grandson - were first introduced into Scotland by the Normans about the year 1100. Such hereditary names were not universally prevalent and settled, however. The use of fixed Scottish surnames (last names that didnt change with each generation) wasnt really in prevalent use until the 16th century, and it was well into the late 18th century before surnames were common in the Highlands and northern isles. Origins of Scottish Surnames Surnames in Scotland generally developed from four major sources: Geographical or Local Surnames - These are names derived from the location of the homestead from which the first bearer and his family lived, and are generally the most common origin of Scottish surnames. Most of the earliest people in Scotland to adopt fixed surnames were the nobles and great landowners, who were often called by the land they possessed (e.g. William de Buchan from Buchan, Scotland). Eventually, even those who did not own significant land started to use place names to identify themselves from others of the same name, adopting the name of the village or even the street where the family originated. Tenants often took their name from the estate where they lived. Thus, most of the earliest surnames in Scotland were derived from place names. Topographic surnames derived from vague geographical locations rather than specific places, also fall into this category. These names may refer to physical features such as streams (Burns), moors (Muir) or forests (Wood) or to man-mad e structures, such as a castle or a mill (Milne). Occupational Surnames -   Many Scottish surnames developed from a persons job or trade. Three common Scottish surnames -   Smith (blacksmith), Stewart (steward) and Taylor (tailor) - are excellent examples of this. Offices associated with the kings lands and/or hunting are another common source of Scottish occupational names - names such as Woodward, Hunter,  and Forest.Descriptive Surnames -   Based on a unique quality or physical feature of the individual, these surnames often developed from nicknames or pet names. Most refer to an individuals appearance - color, complexion, or physical shape  - such as Campbell (from  caimbeul, meaning crooked mouth), Duff (Gaelic for dark) and Fairbain (beautiful child). A descriptive surname may also refer to an individuals personality or moral characteristics, such as Godard (good natured) and Hardie (bold or daring).Patronymic and Matronymic Surnames -   These are surnames derived from baptismal or Christian names to indicate family relationship or descent. Some baptismal or given names have become surnames without any change in form. Others added a prefix or an ending. The use of Mac and Mc was prevalent throughout Scotland, but especially in the Highlands, to indicate son of (e.g. Mackenzie, son of Coinneach/Kenneth). In lowland Scotland, the suffix ​-   son was more commonly added to the fathers given name to form a patronymic surname. These true patronymic surnames changed with each successive generation. Thus, Roberts son, John, might become known as John Robertson. Johns son, Mangus, would then be called Mangus Johnson, and so on. This true patronymic naming practice continued in most families until at least the fifteenth or sixteenth century before a family name was eventually adopted that passed down unchanged from father to son. Scottish Clan Names Scottish clans, from the Gaelic clann, meaning family, provided a formal structure for extended families of shared descent. Clans each identified with a geographical area, usually an ancestral castle, and were originally controlled by a Clan Chief, officially registered with the court of the Lord Lyon, King of Arms which controls heraldry and Coat of Arms registration in Scotland. Historically, a clan was made up of everyone who lived on the chiefs territory, people for which he was responsible and who, in turn, owed allegiance to the chief. Thus, not everyone in a clan was genetically related to one another, nor did all members of a clan bear a single surname. Scottish Surnames - Meanings Origins Anderson, Campbell, MacDonald, Scott, Smith, Stewart... Are you one of the millions of people sporting one of these top 100 common Scottish last names? If so, then youll want to check out our list of the most commonly occurring surnames in Scotland, including details on each names origin, meaning, and alternate spellings.   TOP 100 COMMON SCOTTISH SURNAMES THEIR MEANINGS 1. SMITH 51. RUSSELL 2. BROWN 52. MURPHY 3. WILSON 53. HUGHES 4. CAMPBELL 54. WRIGHT 5. STEWART 55. SUTHERLAND 6. ROBERTSON 56. GIBSON 7. THOMPSON 57. GORDON 8. ANDERSON 58. WOOD 9. REID 59. BURNS 10. MACDONALD 60. CRAIG 11. SCOTT 61. CUNNINGHAM 12. MURRAY 62. WILLIAMS 13. TAYLOR 63. MILNE 14. CLARK 64. JOHNSTONE 15. WALKER 65. STEVENSON 16. MITCHELL 66. MUIR 17. YOUNG 67. WILLIAMSON 18. ROSS 68. MUNRO 19. WATSON 69. MCKAY 20. GRAHAM 70. BRUCE 21. MCDONALD 71. MCKENZIE 22. HENDERSON 72. WHITE 23. PATERSON 73. MILLAR 24. MORRISON 74. DOUGLAS 25. MILLER 75. SINCLAIR 26. DAVIDSON 76. RITCHIE 27. GRAY 77. DOCHERTY 28. FRASER 78. FLEMING 29. MARTIN 79. MCMILLAN 30. KERR 80. WATT 31. HAMILTON 81. BOYLE 32. CAMERON 82. CRAWFORD 33. KELLY 83. MCGREGOR 34. JOHNSTON 84. JACKSON 35. DUNCAN 85. HILL 36. FERGUSON 86. SHAW 37. HUNTER 87. CHRISTIE 38. SIMPSON 88. KING 39. ALLAN 89. MOORE 40. BELL 90. MACLEAN 41. GRANT 91. AITKEN 42. MACKENZIE 92. LINDSAY 43. MCLEAN 93. CURRIE 44. MACLEOD 94. DICKSON 45. MACKAY 95. GREEN 46. JONES 96. MCLAUGHLIN 47. WALLACE 97. JAMIESON 48. BLACK 98. WHYTE 49. MARSHALL 99. MCINTOSH 50. KENNEDY 100. WARD Source: National Records of Scotland - Most Common Surnames, 2014

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why have armies so seldom intervened in the politics of European Essay

Why have armies so seldom intervened in the politics of European countries in recent years Why have they so often intervened in the politics of countries in sub-Saharan Africa - Essay Example challenges principles of sovereignty made 300 years back with the Treaty of Westphalia that set an example for modern Europe ending a century of destruction and war. Under this treaty, highest authority belonged to the ruler and no appeal for justice could be made after the ruler’s verdict. The religion or principles of the ruler had to be followed by the subjects, Pope in the case of medieval Europe. This rule proved its worth in putting an end to confessional wars and each state was given the right to all internal affairs without interference. The negative aspect of this treaty was the formations of dictator governments on the name of sovereignty where all power vested in the hands of government officials or in majority cases just one person. This category of dictatorship was practiced in 19th century by leaders such as Bismarck, Emmanuel Victor and Garibaldi and others (STEPAN, 2012). Among all regulations one right was given to the ruler to call for war. This sovereignty right was only given to powerful European nations and was never extended to areas and places outside Europe. This power of declaring war within nations lay under the hands of governments. None had the right to speak and interfere when a European leader declares war and conquers parts of African or Asian territories for the sake of civilization, humanitarian or modernism. In the 19th century the concept of nations states spread and with it the idea of national sovereignty extended to other territories (ALONSO, 2011). Back in the 20th century, the Nazi regime in Germany raised a number of challenges and questions to the belief of nation’s sovereignty. With the principle of non-interference nations allowed Nazis to practice their activities that became the cause of genocides and massive killings with destructions. It was only when the Nazis threatened Europe’s domination; forces within Europe stood up to defend the cause. The debates on recent intervention in Bosnia and Iraq raise the same

Friday, October 18, 2019

OReilly v Mackman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

OReilly v Mackman - Essay Example This case is primarily one which was concerned with the procedural niceties of judicial review, laying out the principle that public law claims were to be dealt with exclusively by judicial review and private law claims were to be dealt with by Writ. Therefore this decision set a precedent in that it resulted in a locking of the remedies of injunction and the declaration that had entered the realm of the public domain by Common law, permanently into that domain. This does not appear to have been the original intent behind Lord Diplock’s judgment, for he has clearly stated that the â€Å"Order 53 does not expressly provide that procedure by way of application for judicial review shall be the exclusive procedure available† for obtaining remedy by injunction or declaration for infringement of rights under public law2. However, the fact that in this case, the invocation of a Writ was deemed to be an abuse of the process of the Court resulted in the subsequent position in law that only through the invoking of public law procedure could the remedies of declaration and injunction be obtained under judicial review. The orthodox approach to judicial review is based upon the absolute and indivisible sovereignty of the British Parliament3. The O’Reilly case also established that if the nature of the claim that is being made is that the public body acted ultra vires or outside the scope of its statutory powers, then this is a matter for judicial review. The ultra vires doctrine is based on the principle that all legal duties are created by Parliament4, therefore, the judicial function extends to the scope of controlling of the exercise of such statutory powers.  

Our foolish thoughts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Our foolish thoughts - Essay Example On the other hand, Gray Sloan in his essay "Sleuthing Patriotic Slogans" argues in satirical way about the words used in patriotic slogans. Since the time Sloan has been learning and teaching language, he has been also analyzing the grammar usage in today's patriotic slogans. Even though he finds errors in grammar structure of those slogans, he does not care much about that, because he concerns more about the meaning of those slogans. However, both authors are worried about the eloquence in today's public speeches and patriotic slogans would be used by people in power to hypnotize and fool American people. Jacoby uses the word "folks" as an example of the change in political terms. Politicians these days usually use the term "folks" to address Americans instead of â€Å"people or â€Å"ladies and gentlemen† like in the old days. Jacoby wonders why this term is used these days especially after she finds out that the term "folks" has never been used before as a political term. "The word "folks" was once a colloquialism with no political meaning" (395). She believes that using colloquial terms in today's public speeches is a way of isolating American people from political decisions, which downgrades them like if they were ineligible for such decisions. As she declares: The specific political use of folks as an exclusionary and inclusionary signal, designed to make speaker sound like one of the boys or girls, is symptomatic of a debasement of public speech inseparable from a more general erosion of American culture standards. Casual colloquial language also conveys an implicit denial of the seriousness or whatever issue being debated: talking about folks going off to war is the equivalent of describing rape victims as girls (395). Unlike today's politicians, former leaders were trying to use simple words to let people understand their speech but without debasement of a public speech. However, Jacoby also concerns about the change of the term "soldiers" to " troops" by politicians and media. Jacoby states that some people in media or military media claim that the term "soldiers" would be offensive for women who have joined the army as "Dimwits", since they claim that the term "soldier" sounds masculine that is not true. Jacoby believes that the reason behind the change of that term is to magnify the news about the war and its losses. She links the change in both terms "folks" and "troops" to the debasement of speeches as she states: â€Å"Like unremitting appeals to folks, the victory of troops over soldiers offers an impressive illustration of the relationship between fuzzy thinking and the debasement of everyday speech" (396). Just as Jacoby who does not define the debase speech as one that simply uses prosaic grammar structure, Sloan almost has the same concerns about the signs and billboards, posters and stickers emblazoned with patriotic slogans such as "United We Stand," "Support the Troops," "Pray for the Troops," "Let Freedom R ing," "Home of the Brave," "God Bless America" which can be met everywhere in his hometown. His main argument is about the way the slogans are written and what they really mean. He analyzes those patriotic slogans and criticizes them satirically. In addition, he finds some of them are contradictive and unrealistic. For example, â€Å"Let Freedom Ring† and â€Å"United We Stand†, he believes that those two patriotic slogans are conflict with each other, as he wonders â€Å"

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Almeh by Gerome and a woman in the mirror by Lautrec Term Paper

The Almeh by Gerome and a woman in the mirror by Lautrec - Term Paper Example The paper "The Almeh by Gerome and a woman in the mirror by Lautrec" analyzes a woman in the mirror by Lautrec and The Almeh by Gerome. The effect of the Middle East region is clear in this presentation as Gerome tries to present a realistic style that reveals another inclination and view towards portraying nude woman and prostitutes, a view that is not acceptable in the Arab world due to the political and cultural inclination that advocates for women decency and fundamental religious doctrine. In this painting, Gerome uses the Western inclination to present an Eastern woman through an orientalist view that more challenges how the women are viewed and the cultural background in which women find themselves chained in the model east. The exotic dancer might therefore be termed as a girl who seeks her freedom and libels against the cultural and political fundamentals to imitate the Western woman who is freer, and has more elaborate rights in deciding their day to day life. The Almeh was an experience of the eastern dancers, who excited many visitors who used to flock to the World’s Fair to see the dance that represented an extensive history of the Arab women. It was performed by a group of dancers who lived and performed In Luxor, like the dervish ceremonies that were the favorites of many travelers. This was how the dance became to be referred to as the Almeh, after the name that was given to women singers as referred to by the orientalist artists. The dancing of the Almeh drew large crowds on its exhibition.... The art is set in a dim cafe and the painting portrays a young woman dancing before an audience of soldiers. One man claps as another one leans forward. Behind the dancer, there are turbaned musicians sitting floor playing some instruments. Water pipes, guns baskets, brown stripped carpet, are well portrayed. The dancer wears loose and exposing clothes, where her abdomen and breasts are visible, while facing the viewer, and not the audience behind her. As argued above, this painting represents a libel of the Eastern moral and fundamentalism, where women are not allowed to dress in such clothing. The presence of guns might represent the force through which such a moral decadence would be confronted with and as the painting portrays, the dancer faces away from the audience in portraying a liberal attitude of moving away from the audience’s fundamentalism, and looks towards he viewer who might be referred to as the westernized audience who would certainly welcome this type of dan ce, which is similar to the bellydance that was more pronounced in the western regions. On the other hand Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec Woman before a mirror, 1897 presents the same sentiments as above but in a different dimension. Dumont (8) explains that prostitutes interested Lautrec and he even decorated several brothels with portraits of its inmates. However, he was more impressed by dancers at Moulin Rouge whom he drew in several paintings. Therefore, Lautrec in his work tries to present the social evils and the morals that filled the society. The painting women before a mirror is a social reflection, in which he called upon women to reflect upon themselves, having visited several brothels and experiencing the moral decadence in such places. His painting

Court Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Court Paper - Essay Example During the day of the court hearing, I had the opportunity to encounter various events and activities, as well as actions, which were vital in understanding the direction of the case. I arrived at the venue 30 minutes before the session or trial. I had the opportunity to accompany other people I met at the entrance to the public lounge within the courtroom. Every person was all seated until nine in the morning when the judge made an entrance. During this time, everyone was up on his or her feet as a show of respect to the position of the judge. The judge gave the permission for everyone to have a seat prior to the introduction of the case and provision of permission to the prosecutor to continue with the case. Another critical action, which was essential during this encounter, was the tendency by the prosecutor to call witnesses one by one with the intention of submitting evidence to establish or refute the offense. The prosecutor had the ability and potentiality, as well as the righ t to first question each witness prior to cross-examination by the defense. These events are essential in describing or illustration of the trial as one of the litigation processes of the course. During this court visit, I was able to see the paralegals in association with the case. The existing paralegals in the case were in the form of lawyers representing the defendant and victim during this civil case. The paralegals focused on working or providing legal services in relation to the legal work under an attorney and subsequent law firms.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Almeh by Gerome and a woman in the mirror by Lautrec Term Paper

The Almeh by Gerome and a woman in the mirror by Lautrec - Term Paper Example The paper "The Almeh by Gerome and a woman in the mirror by Lautrec" analyzes a woman in the mirror by Lautrec and The Almeh by Gerome. The effect of the Middle East region is clear in this presentation as Gerome tries to present a realistic style that reveals another inclination and view towards portraying nude woman and prostitutes, a view that is not acceptable in the Arab world due to the political and cultural inclination that advocates for women decency and fundamental religious doctrine. In this painting, Gerome uses the Western inclination to present an Eastern woman through an orientalist view that more challenges how the women are viewed and the cultural background in which women find themselves chained in the model east. The exotic dancer might therefore be termed as a girl who seeks her freedom and libels against the cultural and political fundamentals to imitate the Western woman who is freer, and has more elaborate rights in deciding their day to day life. The Almeh was an experience of the eastern dancers, who excited many visitors who used to flock to the World’s Fair to see the dance that represented an extensive history of the Arab women. It was performed by a group of dancers who lived and performed In Luxor, like the dervish ceremonies that were the favorites of many travelers. This was how the dance became to be referred to as the Almeh, after the name that was given to women singers as referred to by the orientalist artists. The dancing of the Almeh drew large crowds on its exhibition.... The art is set in a dim cafe and the painting portrays a young woman dancing before an audience of soldiers. One man claps as another one leans forward. Behind the dancer, there are turbaned musicians sitting floor playing some instruments. Water pipes, guns baskets, brown stripped carpet, are well portrayed. The dancer wears loose and exposing clothes, where her abdomen and breasts are visible, while facing the viewer, and not the audience behind her. As argued above, this painting represents a libel of the Eastern moral and fundamentalism, where women are not allowed to dress in such clothing. The presence of guns might represent the force through which such a moral decadence would be confronted with and as the painting portrays, the dancer faces away from the audience in portraying a liberal attitude of moving away from the audience’s fundamentalism, and looks towards he viewer who might be referred to as the westernized audience who would certainly welcome this type of dan ce, which is similar to the bellydance that was more pronounced in the western regions. On the other hand Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec Woman before a mirror, 1897 presents the same sentiments as above but in a different dimension. Dumont (8) explains that prostitutes interested Lautrec and he even decorated several brothels with portraits of its inmates. However, he was more impressed by dancers at Moulin Rouge whom he drew in several paintings. Therefore, Lautrec in his work tries to present the social evils and the morals that filled the society. The painting women before a mirror is a social reflection, in which he called upon women to reflect upon themselves, having visited several brothels and experiencing the moral decadence in such places. His painting

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Individual project 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Individual project 5 - Essay Example ‘Women Matter’, a study by McKinsey & Company clearly points to the fact that an organization with 2 or more woman executives at the top level was ranked highest in operation excellence and financial performance. (Desvaux, Devillard-Hoellinger, & Baumgarten, 2007) The relevance of ethnic diversity at workplace is as important as the gender diversity. But it is still very less embraced by the corporates. Its relevance is always debated upon in the corporate world. Some of the benefits of ethnic diversity in workplace are innovation, better business expansion, productivity, motivation, profitability etc. (Bell, 2012) The diversity factor of sexual orientation is important too on a different perspective. There is no specific study that has proved that the presence of LGBT crowd in an organization will increase the organization’s productivity, nor is there a study that it will reduce the productivity. Therefore, based on moral grounds, LGBT community will be allowed t o be part of organization. Discrimination against LGBT group might result in a qualified or innovative individual from being hindered to progress. Moreover, a diversity based on sexual orientation will help an organization to develop better reputation. (Feigenbaum, 2012) A concluding statement will be drawn based on a comprehensive literature review on these three factors. Desvaux, G., Devillard-Hoellinger, S., & Baumgarten, P. (2007). Women Matter. Retrieved November 4, 2012. From: Bell, M. (2012). Ethnic diversity in workplace: the business benefits. Retrieved November 4, 2012. From: Feigenbaum, E. (2012.) What Are Some Diversity Issues Found in the Workplace & in America. Retrieved November 4, 2012. From:

Perception of Depression amongst North American and African Cultures Essay Example for Free

Perception of Depression amongst North American and African Cultures Essay Depression or â€Å"Unipolar depression is another name for Major Depressive disorder. It is a mood disorder characterized by depressed mood, it often manifests in lack of interest in family, school and social life, changes in eating and sleeping habits, emotional and medical disregard for the self, difficulty in concentrating, and loss of interest in life† (Rush, 2007).   Just like any other pathological disease, it has risk factors, signs and symptoms, and a natural course. Like any other disease it can be treated with proper medical and psychological therapy. Yet it is not perceived as such by the community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is remarkable lack of awareness about depression in the communities, in spite of the staggering statistics about the disorder. Unipolar depression affects 7-18% of the American population at least once before the age of 40 (Kassler, McGonagle Zhao, 1994). In the United States alone, the number of females are reported to be suffering from clinical depression (Murray, 1997). It has also been observed that 2.5 percent of children and 8.3 percent of adolescents are depressed at any given time. These rates are considerably higher than the figure of the past decades (Depression Statistics Information, Internet). Yet, it has been found that only 20 percent of depressed people undergo medical treatment (Depression Statistics Information). This is caused by numerous reasons with ignorance or lack of concern and awareness about the disorder considered as the biggest suspect.   In fact, a United States surgeon general report   in the Hispanic community states that less than 10 percent of the mentally ill people will ever approach a mental clinic (U.S. Department of Health, 2000). This is possibly the result of lack of concern on their part, or due to the fact that in the Hispanic communitys, non-medical methods of   treatment for the depressed. It is imperative that we find out whether other communities also show a similar of lack of awareness and concern about depression.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Social Science medicine attempts to find cultural differences in the conceptual models of depression by an interviewed with North American immigrants and African Americans (Karasz, 2005) . His study demonstrated that Americans were more of the view that depression was a pathological disease of the body just like any other disease and required medical therapy. According to the author, the people from the African community were more likely to explain depression in terms of a social and moral problems and conformed to the belief that self management was the right way to deal with the issue of depression.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Different communities have different perceptions about the disease, people of certain cultures prefer going to spiritual healers rather than seek medical attention (Nayem, 2005). Some cultures prefer to treat this ailment with alternative therapies to allopathic ones.   Depression, though a serious and debilitating disease, does not command the same attention as other medical disorders like heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, or even obesity. According to Pasacreta (2008) there has been little attention given to depression and its consequences when we compare it with other diseases. For example obesity has been associated with diabetes many times. Even though depression also has a similar association with type II diabetes, not many people are aware of this fact.   Since public concern is lacking in communities, many depressed people fail to come forward, and receive proper treatment. If this trend continues prevalence of depression will continue to rise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though the attitudes of different cultures may vary toward the disease, it does not change the fact that â€Å"depression poses enormous costs for individual, family, and the society† (Nayem F, 2005). Depression is a severe disease with far reaching effects, starting from the patient, who may inflict self harm, leading to a family life, which cannot function in the same way as before (Scott, 2003). There has been research demonstrating depression as a burrden to people, communities, and health services as the treatment is long term and the patient has little or no productivity to society (Nayem, 2005). This research further highlights the need to conduct a survey to assess the perception of depression across various cultures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   People are unaware of the magnitude of the problem and its economic implications. In certain cultures, inability to diagnose the disease or disregard of its seriousness lead to delayed medical opinion and treatment. Through this study, we will try to substantiate the various levels of awareness that different cultures have about the disease. The severity of depression usually gets aggravated if it is not treated promptly after diagnosis. This leads to a greater burden on the country. Scott (2003) echoed this sentiment when he stated â€Å"In the National Health Service the cost of treating depression ( £887 million) exceeds the cost of treating both hypertension ( £439 million) and diabetes ( £300 million). However, here, the direct health care costs are dwarfed by the indirect costs (i.e. days lost from work owing to depression exceed all other disorders and the economic burden on family members and society is considerable).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     North American and African cultures both differ in there perceptions about depression as a disease. Different cultures may feel that depression is a problem but western cultures are more likely to view it as a disease which needs medical therapy just like any other, whereas the people from the non western culture will perceive depression as more of a social and moral problem which requires self-management. There will generally be a lack of knowledge about depression as a disease in the non western community.   The false beliefs and stigmas will be more present in non western cultures as compared to their western counterparts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How widespread is serious depression? According to Dr. Nathan S. Kline of the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, â€Å"it has been estimated that 15 per cent of the adult population of the United States has some degree of depression which is serious enough to be in need of treatment. This amounts to about 20 million people, which makes it not only the most frequent psychological disorder but also one of the most common of all serious medical conditions.† Depression is so widespread that it has been called â€Å"the common cold of mental disturbances.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Studies report that women outstrip men in suffering from depression by a ratio of about 2 to 1, though some claim that this is because women are more willing to admit that they are depressed. Depression afflicts all races and every social and economic level. While the malady is most common between the ages of sixty and seventy, it strikes all age groups and has been rising among persons in their twenties. Why do so many millions of persons suffer from depression?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Much study has gone into uncovering the root causes of mental depression. Flaws in human society constitute one main source of the problem. Illustrating an aspect of this are comments by Dr. John Schwab, of the University of Florida College of Medicine: â€Å"We’re in an era of change right now. Old values such as the old work ethic are being rejected and people are caught in an ideological vacuum. Kids see that the fruits of four hundred years of scientific progress may be more bitter than sweet—but they don’t know what to put in its place, and consequently there is a sense of futility.† Because of this, many disillusioned youngsters seek â€Å"escape† through drugs and other means. â€Å"The search for highs among the young,† observes Dr. Schwab, â€Å"is often only a flight from the lows.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also contributing to the rise in depression is â€Å"supermobility.† Families that keep changing their places of residence, hopping about from house to house and city to city, do not stay in one place long enough to build solid relationships with other people. A psychiatrist at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center wrote: â€Å"Psychiatrists around Boston have been aware for some time of what is called ‘the Route 128 syndrome’ or in Florida ‘the Cape Kennedy syndrome.’ It is found in young families who have moved too much, and its components are a husband too centered in his career, a depressed wife and troubled children.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sometimes depression results when a person reaches a â€Å"plateau† in his life after many years of painstaking labor. A hard-driving business executive may finally achieve the top position in his company, only to realize that he no longer has a goal in life. Housewives in their forties and fifties often suffer from what psychiatrists call â€Å"empty nest syndrome.† By this time their children usually have grown up, their husbands are at work for most of each day and they must face lonely hours in houses devoid of people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What about the feelings of inferiority that often accompany depression? Here too the responsibility may rest with human society. How so? Because it is often at a tender age that children are made to feel unattractive. Their peers may ridicule them if they are unable to do what the majority consider the â€Å"in† thing. If a youngster tends to be clumsy and uncoordinated, schoolmates and playmates can influence the child to believe that he â€Å"can’t do anything right.† Children of this type often combine the generalization: â€Å"I am weak,† with the value judgment: â€Å"It’s disgusting to be weak.† Such youths are likely candidates for depression. Method    Participants   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Approximately 40 students (20 western, 20 international) students from a Midwest liberal arts college will participate in this study. All of them would be selected using randomized sampling. Participants will be offered candy for the completion of the survey. Materials    The survey questionnaire will consist of questions related to assessment of knowledge and attitudes towards depression and a demographic data form. The survey forms will contain closed ended questions only. It will consist of 3 parts.   The first section will consist of demographic questions to gather information about the participants: How long have they lived here. Have they adopted the western culture of living or not. The second part will consist of closed questions. The participants will have to choose from the given options in the questionnaires. There will be questions that ask whether they consider depression to be a serious disease. Whether they believe it is a disease of the mind, body, or mind and body. Questions related to stigma would also be included for example do they believe mentally ill people are more aggressive than others? Do they believe mental illnesses are not as severe as physical ones? Do they believe depressed people can be cured with drugs only, or do they require social and community help? Moreover, to support the validation of the results of the survey, the review of literature to be utilized within the research shall show a specific scale of measure that is used by psychologists to identify the behavior of humans with regards to depression from different cultures all over the world. Procedure   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is imperative to find out exactly how different cultures perceive depression as a disease. The researcher plans on conducting this research. This research will deal with the perception of depression as a disease amongst western and non western cultures. The research will also look into the level of awareness in different cultures about the prevalence of disease in their societies. This research will try to substantiate if the perception of depression varies with different cultures.   To complete the said aim, the research will be conducted on campus.   Participants will be debriefed on the study being researched. The researcher would then have the participants sign a consent form before they participate in the study. After which, a survey kit would then be handed out to them and they would be given three days to return them back. Data analysis A one way ANOVA would be conducted to analyze the data. Since we have two independent sample populations and more than two variables. This will allow for the comparison of attitudes about depression for members of Western and non-Western cultures. Using the ANOVA we can calculate whether the stated answers have associations with either the western or non western societies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   References Depression Information and Fact Statistics (2008), Depression statistics and information, retrieved on February 13, 2008, from Haasen C, Levit O, Gelbert A, Foroutan N, Norovjav A, Sinaa M,, (2007), Relationship between mental distress and acculturation among migrants, psychrische praxis,    retrieved on February 13, 2008, from the NCBI database on   Ã‚  Ã‚ Karasz, A. (2005), Cultural differences in conceptual models of depression, Social Science medicine, 60, 1625-35, retrieved on February 13, 2008, from,f1000m,isrctn Kessler, R., McGonagle K,, Zhao S, et al. (1994) Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry;51:8-19. Murray, C., Lopez, A.D. (1997). Alternative projections of mortality and disability by cause 1990-2020: Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet 349 Neem F, Ayub M., Izhar N, Javed Z, et al (2005). Stigma and knowledge of depression, Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 21(2) 155-158. Pasacreta. J, (2008), Depression: Is society taking the wrong approach? , retrieved on February 13, 2008, from Scott, J. (2003), Global burden of depression: the intersection of culture and medicine, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 183: 92-94, retrieved on February 13, 2008, from U.S. Department of Health Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General. Mental Health: Culture, Race, Ethnicity Supplement, A Report of the Surgeon General 1999.from:

Monday, October 14, 2019

Implications of Chinas Rapid Economic Development

Implications of Chinas Rapid Economic Development Global firm and global business environment If current trends continue, China may be the world’s largest economy by 2050. Discuss the possible implications of such a development for: The world trading system The main implication of China’s economic rise is that China has become a major engine of global economic and trade growth. From 2000–2005, China’s economic growth has averaged 9.5 percent in real terms; but its imports have tripled from $225 billion in 2000 to $660 billion in 2005 (Bergsten et al, 2006). As a result of this, China alone has accounted for about 12 percent of the growth of global trade, an impressively high share given that in 2000 it accounted for less than 4 percent of global trade. Indeed, although China’s economy is a small fraction of that of the United States, in the first half of this decade, China’s trade grew so fast that it contributed half again as much as the United States to the expansion of global trade. As a result, should China’s economy begin to approach, and even overtake, the United States as the world’s largest economy, global trade would potentially see a corresponding, albeit disproportionately, lar ge increase in size. However, running counter to this is that China’s massive trade surpluses, most notably a $202 billion surplus with the United States (Bergsten et al, 2006), hugely exacerbate political frictions in several developed nations. This has led to pervasive pressures being brought in many countries to reduce their dependence on cheap, labour-intensive Chinese imports; and to redress the balance of these surpluses. Should China’s economy grow to surpass the US, these pressures may become unbearable, and protectionist measures may win support in many nations. This would undoubtedly harm the global trading system however it would be likely to make a fatal impact because, as several countries have found with the US, if you want to participate in global trade, you have to be willing to deal with the biggest economy. The world monetary system China’s monetary policy currently presents two major issues for the world monetary system. Firstly, due to China’s fixed peg to the U.S. dollar, the renminbi has depreciated on a real trade-weighted basis since the start of 2002 when the value of the dollar began to depreciate significantly when compared to major currencies such as the euro (Bergsten et al, 2006). Second, even though China’s productivity growth has slowed somewhat in recent years, the fact that it still exceeds its trade partners’ average, when combined with the artificial peg to the dollar, makes its goods disproportionately more competitive in global markets. As China’s economy grows ever larger, and the US trade deficit continues to worsen, the demand for the dollar will fall further. This, combined with China’s position as the country with the world’s second largest surplus country, should lead China to allow its currency to appreciate against the dollar, and thus transition to a growth path driven more by domestic consumption than by farther increases in its external surplus, which is already far too large for the rest of the world to accept. If China were to allow its currency to appreciate significantly it likely would lead to the desired general appreciation of Asian currencies relative to the dollar, and would thus increase China’s importance in a world monetary system no longer dominated by the dollar and the euro. Moreover, if China allows the renminbi to appreciate, it reduces the risk of stimulating a harmful protectionist response in the United States, and perhaps elsewhere. The business strategy of today’s European and U.S. based global corporations. As China’s economy becomes ever more important, global corporations will have to deal with China and Chinese companies and consumers if they wish to remain globally competitive. However, China’s internal competitive pressures will grow ever stronger, with several firms manufacturing similar products and local firms becoming stronger players. Consequently, before a multinational firm can introduce a new product to China, it must first evaluate every aspect of its homegrown marketing strategy to see where adaptations may be necessary, especially if a firm is entering China with a culturally specific product, such as automobiles, foods or clothing (Dayal-Gulati and Lee, 2004). As China’s cultural norms are so different from those in the West, global corporations will increasingly create whole business divisions devoted to tapping into the Chinese market, and will seek strategic alliances with local businesses to benefit from their knowledge. Equally, as China’s economy grows, increasing numbers of global corporations will begin basing more of their operations in China to take advantage of the strength of the local economy and the relatively low wage rates. However, this will not necessarily be a fundamental shift, and will likely fit into many of these corporations’ existing global strategies of having separate offices for Europe, America, Australasia etc. Global commodity prices China’s rise has important distributional implications for the global economy. Its massive exports of labor-intensive goods have led to significant declines in the relative prices of those goods. This, in turn, has put downward pressure on the relative wages of unskilled workers, even in advanced industrial economies. The other side of the coin is that China’s imports are mostly skill- and capital-intensive investment goods, and commodities. Thus China’s burgeoning import demand is raising the relative wages of skilled labor, the profit share of output, and commodity prices. Should the Chinese economy grow to match that of the US, without shifting its balance away from labor-intensive manufacturing, global commodity prices could rise significantly as Chinese demand for these commodities continues to rise. However, as China’s economy continues to grow, and if political resistance to its export policies remains strong, China may well look to shift its economy away from resource heavy manufacturing, into the skill- and capital-intensive investment goods and services. This shift may also be driven by China’s desire to reduce its dependence on the US, Japan Taiwan and South Korea, who supply almost 45% of Chinese imports, primarily electrical machinery and professional and scientific equipment (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007). Again, in this area it may be political pressures, rather than economic, that prove to be most pervasive. References Bergsten, C. F. Gill, B. Lardy, N. R. and Mitchell, D. (2006) China: The Balance Sheet: What the World Needs to Know Now About the Emerging Superpower. PublicAffairs. Dayal-Gulati, A. and Lee, A. Y. (eds) (2004) Kellogg on China: Strategies for Success. Kogan Page. Economist Intelligence Unit (2007) Country Report China. The Economist.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Julius Caesar as a Tragic HEro Essay -- essays research papers

Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Ides of March mean much more than March 15th, it was also the day Julius Caesar, the Roman general and leader was killed. Although this day is not a holiday, we should take time to think of things Caesar didn’t on this fateful day. In â€Å"Julius Caesar,† by William Shakespeare, Caesar that morning solidified his place as a tragic hero because of his tremendous fatal flaw. Aristotle once defined the tragic hero as a person of noble or influential birth, who has a moral personality. The tragic hero also must have one hamartia, which is a fatal flaw. This fatal flaw is the cause of the person's downfall. This also means that it is a noble person, and it is one part of their personality that brings them down. Julius Caesar is a tragic hero because he was a champion of the people, but it was his hubris that led to his death. Caesar was a great leader and well-loved by Romans, but his arrogance made the people who were close to him mad and jealous of him. It was Caesars excessive pride that led directly to his death. We see evidence throughout the play through the dialogue and events that this is true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Firstly, Caesar was a great leader and adored by his subjects. At the opening of the play, all of the Romans in the streets are cheering for Caesar and rejoicing in his triumph. Although two soldiers don’t agree, the first we hear of Caesar is that is a eagerly supported. At the Feast of Lupercal, for example, Marc Antony tries to crown him king three times, and each time, Caesar refuses. As he does, the people cheer for him because they bel 09ieve him to be so noble. This shows how the people revered him, admired him, and accepted him as their leader. They cheered for him in the streets and supported his every move. Caesar had made many positive changes in Rome, and people appreciate that. Caesar is a good, observant leader as he notices the way that Cassius is not a man to be trusted, and he is correct. He understands people and paid close attention to the way Cassius spent too much time thinking, and not enough time enjoying life and the arts. He warns M arc Antony that they should watch out for Cassius. â€Å"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much; such men are dangerous †¦ Such men as he be never at heart's ease/ Whiles they behold a greater than themselve... ...d it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, it is clear that Caesar is a great man with one tragic flaw: hubris. His arrogance is so strong that it taints his wisdom and takes away his fear. This shows us that fear is actually a great asset and tool not just for all of mankind. As long as people don’t let fear take over them, it will help keep them safe. To have no fear at all is not an advantage or strength, but a foolish flaw. Although Caesar is a great leader and admired by the people, his arrogance makes others mad and jealous and causes them to find reasons why they would be better off without him. Finally, this arrogance leads directly to his death because it takes away his fear, and therefore his ability to pay attention to the many signs that should have shown him that he was in danger. We have seen evidence that is was this lack of personal fear, which comes from Caesar’s hubris, that causes him to allow himself to be in a position to be killed by his own men, including his own best friend. So, when the Ides of March come around each year on March 15th, we should all take some time to remember, that a little fear is a healthy thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Graduation Speech: The Best Four Years of My Life! :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Hi, my name is Pat and I would like to start today by thanking the seniors of 2012 for choosing me to speak today. It is truly my honor. You know, it is really strange how quickly time passes, after spending my whole childhood wishing I was an adult, now here we are and it's a little hard to grasp. It feels like just yesterday I was standing here in the same position at eighth grade graduation. Ahh, middle school, such a joyous time for all of us, free of maturity and not a care in the world. The biggest decisions I ever had to make then was deciding which group to stand with at passing time and choosing which shirt from my extensive collection of Stussy and No Feat apparel to wear. We were all naive to the danger that lurked just around the corner. We were unaware that the carefree world we lived in was about to come crashing to the ground in a blazing inferno of real school work and responsibility ... otherwise known as high school. I am only kidding. It's just when you're young it is easy to get caught up in the here and now, and hard to look to the future. I thought high school would never end and now here we are on the brink of having to go out into the world and actually support ourselves!? I now feel like I never really appreciated my time here and never realized what a valuable experience it would be for me. I spent so much time complaining about high school, I never really had anytime left over to just enjoy myself. There are so many experiences from high school we will all carry with us through out our whole lives and will ultimately help determine what kind of person we are. By the time the end of my junior year rolled around I was ready to get away, so I enrolled in the Running Start program. I felt I had outgrown all that school activities had to offer and I wanted to just get on with my life. But as many teachers have clearly demonstrated over the last four years; you never get too old or too mature to have a little fun in high school. It took me this year to realize this. It was around homecoming that I started to feel a little left out.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Wal-Mart Case Study

In 2005, it created jobs for more than 1. 5 million people worldwide. In the United States this number is 1. 3 million. Every year, Wall- Mart distributes 2% gross national product in US with estimated $300 billion annual sales. After nearly a half of a century, it still follows Sam Walton philosophy to provide low price for customers every day (Stank & Stank, 2009). In 2006, this organization has slipped to number two after a serious problem.This case study old show these unethical issues that Wall-Mart faced many years from 2001 to 2006, including off-the-clock work. Sexual discrimination, health benefits, union, and using illegal aliens and child labor. In 2000, the main unethical of Wall-Mart shows in this case is the â€Å"off-the-clock work† that the employees were enforced working overtime In the Wall-Mart stores. From 11 states In 2001 that was pending lawsuits against Wall-Mart the number of states had Increased even 28 after one year (Satanist & Satanist, 2009).The store managers had required the employee check UT their time card, while they were working at night and locked inside the stores. Many emergencies happened without any help because the managers were not around to open the door. These Wall-Mart activities show that this organization is breaking the law when enforced Its employees working more time without any payment while the managers went out earlier. Sexual discrimination Is another unethical Issue that Wall-Mart faced in 2001. In fact, the percentage of male employees who were promoted to management is less than female employees.According to Satanist and Stank (2009), there are sixty-five percent women employees of the hourly worker, but women who stand on management position Just only thirty-three percent at Wall-Mart. Some employee claimed that, Wall-Mart gave these Job opportunities to men because the men had to feed their family, whereas women Just want to make some extra money (Stank & Stank, 2009). There are clearly things that Wall-Mart were not fair with women who daily worked for this organization. This activity should be considered and adjusted to fit with the new situation.Wall-Mart was blamed that provided many policies reduce cost of health care. This corporation provided the health benefit programs for its employee, but somehow many employees cannot pay or payable but less benefit. Normally, all companies In the united States spend average $ 5,646 per user for health care than the average rate (Satanist & Satanist, 2009). This is considered unethical issue in Wall-Mart when this organization is largest retailer in the world. In addition, Wall- Mart has used states health benefits program to instead its own payment; it was not responsible action of a big corporation.Many employees and their family could not allow Wall-Mart's health care program, they return to Medicaid – a state's health care program. Marshland's law stated that the company had to pay at least 8 percent of payroll costs per user health insurance, nor the difference amount actual pair and percentage must be passed to Marshland's Medicaid fund (Satanist & Satanist, 2009). Wall-Mart had changed its health care policy and reported increasing the percentage up to 8 percent, however, only 47. 5% employees can approach Wall-Mart's health care insurance (Satanist & Satanist, 2009).Keep the labor cost as low as possible seem tick with its philosophy â€Å"everyday low prices† because if the labor cost increase that means this philosophy would no longer right. That also was the problem that Wall- Mart faced in globalization. That is why Wall-Mart disbanded the meat department and nearly 180 other stores when the employees became unionized (Satanist & Satanist, 2009). In fact, if employees become a member of a union, they would get a lot of support from this community to fight for their right benefits.However, Wall-Mart had to allow unions in protected of China government because if they not allow they old lose a lot of resources such as: material, merchandise, low labor cost, and series of suppliers, etc. Other issues at Wall-Mart stores are using illegal aliens working for the company. Although Wall-Mart knows exactly if it uses these employees they are against the law. However, Wall-Mart has continued to hire illegal aliens from the outside employment agency for cleaning. This company has agreed to charge for this issue $11 million, four times higher than normal charge by another corporation (Satanist & Satanist, 2009).Wall-Mart used child labors and violated child labor laws. The result of the audit showed that Wall-Mart used employees under eighteen years old for working at night, on school hour, and more than 8 hours per day (Satanist & Satanist, 2009). Not at all, this company also used child labor in the dangerous Job such as: chain saw and cardboard balers. Once again, Wall-Mart has broken the law in many states. In 2005, the International Labor Rights Fund filed a lawsu it against Wall-Mart with series of violating labor laws in five countries: Swaziland, Indonesia, China, Bangladesh, and Nicaragua (Satanist & Satanist, 2009).The violations include irking overtime without payment, preventing any effort to have a union, and locked in working time. The major reason that making Wall-Mart supplier broken the laws is Wall-Mart was not enforcing the company's code of conduct with its suppliers (Satanist & Satanist, 2009). After a series of unethical issues during few years, Wall- Mart shows that it is still the big company where it provided the cooperation to repair and troubleshoot its problems quickly. Wall-Mart has acknowledged its issues and step-by-step solve them making ethical decisions, changing management methods, ND charging for all people who directly impacted.In conclusion, responsibilities of the big corporation should always do the right thing, and fixes every issue ethically to making the better reputation. The discuss questions that more clearly about this case study: 1 . Are the ethical issues Wall-Mart faces really any different from other large retailers? The largest retailer faces this these ethical issues that means many target for any concern and naturally the ethical issues become a sensitive problem. In additional, Wall-Mart cannot hire its problem, because of million employees who irking on thousands of stores.Wall-Mart might be a good case study for other corporations who are facing ethical issues. 2. Wall-Mart officials have stated that they don't feel women are interested in management positions at the company. Do you agree or disagree? I disagree with this point of Wall-Mart. Women are much more holding the key position in the company. It shows a fact that women also do the same things as much as men can do. I do not see any reason to reject the opportunity to offer the management positions of women at work. The world is changing, women as no longer Just take care their family, they also are great peopl e in the business. . Wall-Mart is continually criticized for its health-care policy. Is this really an ethical issue? Why or why not? This is considered unethical issue in Wall-Mart because the health cares that Wall-Mart provides to their employees are not fitted with a world- class company. In additional, Wall-Mart has used states health benefits program to instead its own payment; it was not responsible action off big corporation. Many employees and their family could not follow Wall-Mart's health care program, they turn to Medicaid – a state's health care program.Billion of revenue that the company could get is based on its employee's distribution. Pay more money for health care also kind of investment, and I guessed that the return of this is greater than the profit, including loyalty, employees' effort, and good company's image. 4. Should Wall-Mart be concerned about unionization of stores since allowing unionization of workers in China? The major reason the make Wall-M art allow unionizing in China not start from its expectation. However, this is a good signal for a ewe revolution in many Wall-Mart stores worldwide.In America, if any store starts to form a union the store could face many problems from Wall-Mart managers. This would change because of no former union are not fair for United States employees. The union would keep fighting the employee's right benefit. On the other hand, my opinion, United States government should protect the union like China government that also protects the American labors. Reference Satanist, P. A. , & Satanist, S. D. (2009). Understanding business ethics (1st deed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Factors Affecting Teaching Profession in Tanzania

ABSTRACT Currently, issues related to teaching profession have become a topic of debate. This paper describes teaching as a profession, rationale for teaching and factors affecting teaching profession in Tanzania. This paper goes further to deliberate on how teaching may be transformed into a strong and powerful profession in Tanzania. 1. 0 INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Occupational status depends on the public valuing of the competence, role and overall contribution of a particular occupation to individual and societal welfare.Regardless of development status, the teaching force in most countries has never enjoyed full professional status. However, the status of teachers as a developing-profession is more evident in developing countries like Tanzania. If it has to be traced back during colonial era and early years of independence the status of teaching professions was highly respected and valued, as during those times teachers were given fully respect and they were recognized by the societies, never the less, the introduction of Musoma resolution in 1974 and Arusha declaration in 1967 strengthened the status of teaching profession.But soon after the introduction of universal primary education (UPE) in 1977 the status of teaching profession started to decline and seems to be of very low status as most people think of it as the work of those who failed or they have no alternative of life but to be rescued by the teaching profession. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Teaching has been defined by Wells, G. 1982) as cluster of activities that are noted about teachers such as explaining, deducing, questioning, motivating, taking attendance, keeping record of works, students’ progress and students’ background information. Profession refers to enterprises or endeavor founded up on specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply services to others or it is an occupation that requires extensive education or training (Babyegeya and Mushi, 2009 ) in (Ndibalema, P 2012). 2. 0 TEACHING PROFESSION . 1 teaching as a profession Teachers are more than workers. They are also members of a profession. Their occupation renders definite and essential services to society. As a profession, however, teaching has had a long and difficult history. Its social and cultural functions have never been critically challenged, but nevertheless the public has not adequately supported teaching, Compared with other learned professions such as medicine, law, engineering, and architecture teaching ranks rather low.Goodson (2003) noted that Occupations that have attained professional status share the following characteristics: a high level of education and training based on a unique and specialized body of knowledge, a strong ideal of public service with an enforced professional code of conduct and high levels of respect from the public at large, registration and regulation by the profession itself, trusted to act in the clients‘ best interests w ithin a framework of accountability, a supportive working environment, similar levels of compensation as other professions.As noted above, a profession requires a lengthy period of academic and practical training. Training and certification are essential parts of a profession. Period long training is needed to develop specialists and technicians in any profession. There must be some specification of the nature of the training through state regulations. Teaching certainly fulfils this criterion, but the teacher‘s period of training is not as long as that required for doctors and lawyers. The code of ethics indicates how members of the profession should behave.Professionalization occurs when enforcement is possible and vigorous (Ankomah, 2005). Tanzanian teachers have an ethical code of conduct. There exist however, no licensed body to enforce the codes. 2. 2 Rationale for Teaching Profession By its very nature, teaching possesses two very appealing traits. First, it deals with the young, with those whose minds and characters are forming. It is a privilege to be entrusted with the task of facilitating the growth and development of the younger generation. Second, teaching provides opportunities for intellectual development.It brings those who pursue it into intimate contact with books, experiments, and ideas. 3. 0 FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHING PROFESSION 3. 1 Education and Training In Tanzania teaching profession ranges from degree level which takes three years, diploma level which takes two years and certificate level which takes two years, but due to country policy and demand of teachers those years of training do vary. For example in 2005/6 there was clash program of three months where form six leavers were trained to be teachers in secondary schools, so this situation seems to jeopardize the teaching profession.Consequently, as an occupational group, teachers do not have the equivalent level of education and training nor the cohesiveness as well establishe d professions, such as medical doctors, engineers and lawyers, which have uniformly high academic entry qualifications (Ingvarson, 1998). 3. 2 Self-Regulation The established professions enjoy a high degree of self-regulation and are successful in maintaining high barriers to entry in terms of qualification requirements and registration.Teachers, on the other hand, tend to have weak, state-dominated professional organizations with factions (Wells, 1982). 3. 3 Public Service belief and Professional Conduct Teaching has become employment of the last source of help among university graduates and secondary school leavers in many countries. Consequently, teachers often lack a strong, long-term commitment to teaching as a vocation. On a comparative note, around one-half of (Form 4 and 6) secondary school leavers in Tanzania who finished school in 1990 were employed as teachers in 2001.Thus, in the absence of alternative employment opportunities, becoming a school teacher is the main avenu e for social and economic advancement for Tanzanian graduates (Ibid). 3. 4 The Work Environment and Remuneration Teachers rarely enjoy the same work environment as other professions. The size of the teaching force coupled with lower educational qualifications means that teachers are also paid considerably less than the mainstream professions. For example in Tanzania teachers’ live in poor houses and other lacks even those poor houses.And they also lack teaching facilities like books, teaching aids and well equipped classrooms (Goodson, 2003). 3. 5 The Social Class and Academic Background of Entrants to the Profession The standing of a profession is to some extent affected by the social class background of its recruits; the higher the social strata from which recruits generally come, the higher the status of the profession. And, of course, the higher the status of a profession, the more it will attract recruits from the higher social strata (Hoyle, 1969).Also the teaching prof ession in Tanzania is affected, since those who are recruited into the education field of study are considered to have low grades that look education as the last option (Ingvarson, 1998). 3. 6 Commitment to the Profession Another problem that is affecting teaching as a profession is how committed are the teachers to the profession. There is no doubt that membership of the major professions implies a life commitment to the task. In the case of teaching, no such a life commitment to the task of teaching is apparent as in other professions.There are a number of factors that contribute to this state of affairs. One of these factors is the general notion of teaching as a second Choice profession with many of the teachers only committing themselves to it at a late stage when they know that they cannot change their profession. Majority of the teachers at the initial stage of their teaching career did not expect to stay in teaching for more than a few years. They consider it as a stepping s tone to other occupations. This invariably affects their commitment to the profession (Hargreaves, 2001). . 7 Salary Although the economic status of the teacher has been steadily improving, teachers do not in general receive salaries comparable to those received within the major professions. As a result commitment to the growth of the profession is affected (Ibid). 3. 8 Pupil-Teacher Ratios The weak correlation between school enrolments and the numbers of teachers employed in each school is the most obvious indicator of poor deployment. Variations in pupil-teacher ratios between schools are typically very large in most countries.For example, in Tanzania the mid-late 1990s, they ranged from 50 to 70 pupils to 1 teacher. Recently, however improvements are being made to balance pupil-teacher ratio to 30-45 pupils to 1 teacher (Ankomah, 2005). 4. 0 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION After seeing what affect the teaching profession there are various measures which can be taken into considerat ion so as to restore and revive the status of teaching profession in Tanzania, some of them are elaborated hereunder:- 4. 1 Need for Commitment to the Profession. Commitments bear no fruit until they are substantiated by action.Once they have affirmed their commitments, teachers must devote their time and energies to their professional activities. Teachers should actively join in curricular development, instructional design, and technical planning, as well as policy making. They should have certain organized ways in which they can participate in the formation of the controlling aims, methods, and materials of the school system of which they are a part. Therefore, teachers' organizations have a very important role to play in the advancement of the teaching profession. 4. Innovative pathways in recruitment and continual innovation in teacher preparation programmes are required. Teacher preparations programmes need to broaden their entry requirements to diversify the teaching corps and better represent diverse student populations. Teacher preparation programmes require innovative recruitment pathways that allow entry for non-traditional candidates. Teacher preparation programmes require continual innovation to respond to changing needs. 4. 3 Teacher education is enhanced by comprehensive teacher induction that fosters lifelong learning.Induction is most effective when seen as a comprehensive system beyond just support and assistance for beginning teachers. Effective professional development strategies seek the active involvement of teachers and are largely school-based, developmental in nature and ongoing. 5. 0 REFERENCES Ankomah, Y. A. (2005 November). Priorities in Relation to Leadership and Management for Change. A Paper Presented at National Consultative Workshop on Educational Quality Implementation at Accra Ghana. Goodson, I. (2003).Professional knowledge, professional lives: Studies in education. Maidenhead, Open University Press. Hargreaves, A. , Earl, L. , Moore, S. , and Manning, S. (2001). Learning to change: Teaching beyond subjects and standards. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. Ingvarson, L. (1998). A professional development system fit for a profession. London: Bell Inc. Ndibalema, P (2012). Professionalism and ethics in education. Students’ compendium. University of Dodoma, Creative Prints Ltd. Wells, G. (1982). Teacher research and educational change. Toronto, OISE Press, pp. 1-35.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Theories, Practices, and Ethics of Leadership Assignment - 1

Theories, Practices, and Ethics of Leadership - Assignment Example 2. Some of the behavioural patterns, characteristics and shadows which fuel evil include our own individual insecurities. These insecurities are normally caused by the ignorance of our cultures and the cultures of other people. These insecurities may also be due to lifestyles, whereby people engage in evil activities in order to live in a certain way. The human need for respect and recognition may also push some people to be insecure and thus engage in evil activities to satisfy these needs. Insecurities may also be caused by low esteem. Some people normally do evil things in order to feel satisfied and boost their self-esteem. The need for power and strength also fuels evil. This may come in the form of oppression and suppression on the basis of race, religion, financial power, political affiliation, gender and job opportunities. For example, one might result in the oppression of a minority race in order to strengthen himself politically or financially. Acts of deceit and defensiveness may also fuel evil. The evil that may stem from deceit or defensiveness includes refusal to listen to feedback or other people’s views, anger, pessimism and blaming others for things they are not responsible for (Baumeister, 2001). 3. a) Dreadful pleasure: this is when someone knowingly and enjoyably inflicts pain or suffering on another person in order to hide one’s fear. For example, one might have a fear of being vulnerable, so he does things to make other people live in fear. b) Deception: this is when one becomes absorbed with himself and makes himself look like he is without any faults. These self-righteous people are very conscious of their personal appearances and will attack anyone who discovers their dark side. For example, one might pretend to be God-fearing and holy, but deep inside he is not as righteous as he wants to look. He may pretend to do good things when in the company of other people but turn to evil deeds when no one is watching.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy Essay - 1

What strategies can policy makers employ to promote successful policy implementation - Essay Example The researchers of this generation have identified that the research implementation process is not as simple as it is thought to be and there are a lot of complications that need to be considered. This generation has identified that there are several factors that are involved in the implementation of policy and these factors somehow influence the policy implementation therefore it is important to identify and consider these factors as well (Hill, 1997) On the other hand, the second generation is a bit realistic and it is considered as the classical generations to be too pessimistic. The scholars in the second generations are Berman, O’Toole and O’Toole and Montjoy, Hjern and Porter, and Tasmanian and Sabatier. This generation has kept its focus on the top-bottom approach and bottom-top approach. This generation has debated whether the top-bottom approach or bottom-top approach should be implemented for successful results. This generation has demonstrated that the implementation is a political process and to a great extent ignored other factor which has been later criticized by the third generation (Pitts, 2006). The last but not the least generation is the third generation or the analytical generation. This last generation is called the analytical generation as the researchers in this generation have more focused on the methods being used rather than the results that have been achieved. This generation has been criticized both the previous generations for ignoring the social factors. This generation called for better methods and more social factors within the implementation process. It could be said that this generation was not concerned regarding the failure or success of the process but were more interested in learning and understanding how the process works. This generation was more focused on improving the methods and procedures that could used to implement the policy successfully. Implementation,