Sunday, October 13, 2019

Julius Caesar as a Tragic HEro Essay -- essays research papers

Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Ides of March mean much more than March 15th, it was also the day Julius Caesar, the Roman general and leader was killed. Although this day is not a holiday, we should take time to think of things Caesar didn’t on this fateful day. In â€Å"Julius Caesar,† by William Shakespeare, Caesar that morning solidified his place as a tragic hero because of his tremendous fatal flaw. Aristotle once defined the tragic hero as a person of noble or influential birth, who has a moral personality. The tragic hero also must have one hamartia, which is a fatal flaw. This fatal flaw is the cause of the person's downfall. This also means that it is a noble person, and it is one part of their personality that brings them down. Julius Caesar is a tragic hero because he was a champion of the people, but it was his hubris that led to his death. Caesar was a great leader and well-loved by Romans, but his arrogance made the people who were close to him mad and jealous of him. It was Caesars excessive pride that led directly to his death. We see evidence throughout the play through the dialogue and events that this is true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Firstly, Caesar was a great leader and adored by his subjects. At the opening of the play, all of the Romans in the streets are cheering for Caesar and rejoicing in his triumph. Although two soldiers don’t agree, the first we hear of Caesar is that is a eagerly supported. At the Feast of Lupercal, for example, Marc Antony tries to crown him king three times, and each time, Caesar refuses. As he does, the people cheer for him because they bel 09ieve him to be so noble. This shows how the people revered him, admired him, and accepted him as their leader. They cheered for him in the streets and supported his every move. Caesar had made many positive changes in Rome, and people appreciate that. Caesar is a good, observant leader as he notices the way that Cassius is not a man to be trusted, and he is correct. He understands people and paid close attention to the way Cassius spent too much time thinking, and not enough time enjoying life and the arts. He warns M arc Antony that they should watch out for Cassius. â€Å"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much; such men are dangerous †¦ Such men as he be never at heart's ease/ Whiles they behold a greater than themselve... ...d it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, it is clear that Caesar is a great man with one tragic flaw: hubris. His arrogance is so strong that it taints his wisdom and takes away his fear. This shows us that fear is actually a great asset and tool not just for all of mankind. As long as people don’t let fear take over them, it will help keep them safe. To have no fear at all is not an advantage or strength, but a foolish flaw. Although Caesar is a great leader and admired by the people, his arrogance makes others mad and jealous and causes them to find reasons why they would be better off without him. Finally, this arrogance leads directly to his death because it takes away his fear, and therefore his ability to pay attention to the many signs that should have shown him that he was in danger. We have seen evidence that is was this lack of personal fear, which comes from Caesar’s hubris, that causes him to allow himself to be in a position to be killed by his own men, including his own best friend. So, when the Ides of March come around each year on March 15th, we should all take some time to remember, that a little fear is a healthy thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

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